The World Is Ugly

603 23 4

Billie's P.O.V

Mike was here. He was in trouble. But all I could think of was, that he's going to take Raven away from me!

Tré closed the blinds and sat next to the shaking Mike. Raven was upstairs, I told her to stay there. I'm not allowing her to see him.

Mike put a gun and a knife on the table.

"Jeez...." I say. Mike looks at me. "what happened?" I question.

"They...uh made us kill people....i didn't want to!" He started shaking, Tré tried to calm him down. "Where's Raven?" He asks. I didn't reply.

No way is he seeing her...

He could hurt her. The people who he is talking about sound bad. They could of played tricks on his mind. We need to take him to a hospital just in case...

But then the police would probably come into it. I sigh, talking to myself.

Tré looked at me worried. I shrugged my shoulders. I stood up and walked to the white piano. I'm really glad that Ravens grandparents had this. Thank fuck I brought some on my guitars.

I walked over to in and sat down. I've been working on a piece but I can't seem to get it going. I haven't even got any lyrics with it.

I sighs again and play random stuff.

Mike's P.O.V

Billie was on the piano. How can he act like this? I've been gone for month and he doesn't care. And he doesn't fucking answer my questions.

Tré got up and grabbed the knife and the gun. Then he walked out of the room, probably to hide them from me. What do they think? I wanted to come back and be with my friends. I sighed and stood up. I looked at Billie on the piano. It sounded good but it seemed he didn't know what to so next.

I walked I over to him. "Need any help?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulders making me sigh again.

Then he spoke up. "I guess but not today" God controlling hu? Well a bit. "Your not going to see Raven" He pointed out.

"What??" I yelled. "She's my girlfriend" I yelled again.

"You were gone for over a month.. she moved on!" He yelled back. He's lying she wouldn't move on. She's not that type of person.

"Your lying"I started. "And don't tell me your not cause I know you are!"

It went silent after that...

I turned around I couldn't look him.



Raven and Mike?

Raven and Billie?

Please Vote comment and shit ;D

Thanks for reading!!!

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