First Kiss

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Raven/Gloria's P.O.V

"Are you gonna sit down?" Mike asked me, awaking me from my thoughts. I looked up to see him sitting on a bench patting the space next to him. I walked over and sat down by him.

"It's a nice evening, cold but nice" Mike said looking up at the stars.

"Yeah, cold" I reply quietly, he heard. I could see in the corner of my eye, him taking off his black zip up hoodie. When he took it off he tried handing it to me but I pushed it back.

"Just take it, it's really cold" He said, I shook my head saying no, pushing it back.

"That's why you should have it, your......uhh... just wearing a t-shirt" I said pushing it back but he wasn't having it.

"And so are you, come on I can't let a pretty girl like yourself catch a cold" He said pushing it so it was on my lap.

"I'm not pretty" I mumbled.

"Why would I lie about something like that? You're more than pretty you're... you're beautiful" As he said that our eyes connected. I couldn't stop staring into his bright blue eyes. How stupid does that sound?

Am I falling for Mike?

Can this happen? Like really, I've never been close to someone like this, I don't know the first thing to do with any of this, this, this fucked up no friends, friends more than friends, what the fucking fuck am I thinking about.

Anyway,,, what am I going to say??

"I'm not" I said back to Mike.

"But you are, yeah you might be weird but I like you" He stated. "I know I've  none you for what?? Two days, and I'm a lot older than you...... but something feels right" He stood up grabbed my hands and pulled me up. We were eye to eye with each other.

I didn't feel scared when he touched my hands. He smiled and I smiled up at him. He slowly lifted one of his hands up to my chin. He lightly tilted it up, so I was closer to him.

"Your perfect" He mumbled and lightly pressed his lips on mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back.

My real first kiss!!

(A/N, It's short I know :(

But I will update soon :)

Do you like Mike and Raven??

Should Billie try to stop this from happening??

And Tré.... umm, anyone wanna be his girlfriend??

Please Vote, Comment and shit ;)

Thanks for reading :)

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