Chapter 3

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Luna POV

I grab the bag of clothes the cops brought me from my house. It was for the time staying over with ..Colby.

I wish I could just go home, but the nurse said I'm not "stable" and I should stay with Colby since he already is in contact with my parents.

I changed into a sweater with some jeans, I didn't want all my fat hanging out. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the front desk where Colby was signing me out.

"Hey Luna!" Colby says smiling. "Can I take your bag?" He asks, holding out a hand. I shake my head, "Uh.. No thanks, but thank you!" I say awkwardly. He nods and we head out.

We reach the rental car and climb in. The scent of the car hits me powerfully. It smells like chemical and air freshener. I click my seatbelt and stick my bag down next to my feet.

We begin driving when Colby speaks up. "So, Luna, im gonna take you out to lunch with my roommate Sam! He will be around for a few days, until he goes home to visit his parents for a bit." Colby explains, adjusting his grip of the wheel, making sure to pay attention to the road this time. "Oh..okay." I reply.

Oh god, eating? I'm already fat enough! Just look at these legs!

I pinch at my legs. Finally, I bring my eyes up to the road and pull at my sleeves, nervously, imaging the food I'm gonna have to eat.

Time skip***

Colby POV

I'm a little unsure about going out to lunch with Luna.. I hope I don't make her feel worse..Hopefully Sam acts appropriately.

Luna POV

I scramble out of the car and shove my hands deep into my pockets. "Come on Luna! Sam has a table ready.." Colby says running up in front. I follow him slowly.

When we get to the table a blond boy Colby's age stands up. Blue eyes as well. He makes his way over to us. "Hello Colby! Hello Luna!" He holds out a hand. I pull my sleeve up, nervously once again, as I shake his hand.

I glue my eyes to the floor. "That is Sam." I hear Colby say. I nod but keep my eyes down. I slide into the booth and Colby slides in next to me.

I pick up the menu, shielding, my face from Colby and Sam. I practically gag when I read the list of foods they have.

"Hey uh Colby, I'm just gonna have a salad, is that okay?" I whisper.

Colby studies me hard, as if he was solving a puzzle. "Okay." He answers. I cheer mentally.

I still have to eat it though...

We soon receive our food. I stare down at the salad, picking at it with my fork. I look up at Colby and Sam, digging in.

Look at them! They have great bodies! They don't even have to worry about a few extra calories while I sit over here with my fat a**!!

My thoughts were disturbed by a rude awakening, "Why aren't you eating?" Sam asks. Colby glares at him across the table, basically burning holes into him.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, when exactly are you leaving to visit your family?" Colby asks switching the topic.

I look at Colby, thanking him. He glances at me and nods before bringing his gaze back to Sam.

Small time skip***

I eat a few bites before feeling sick, my fork clinking as it hits my plate.

I groan. Colby looks at me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Hey I'm gonna take Luna home... Can you pick up Reed, Cody and Devin?" Colby asks.

Sam nods as Colby pays the bill. "Thanks man!" He yells before running out with me. We jump in the car and head out, to Sam and Colby's house.

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