Chapter 14

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Luna POV

I pulled at my sleeves as I watch Reed fidget with the camera.

Devin sat on a chair next to us as Cody, Colby, and I sat on the foot of one of the hotel beds.

"Okay guys get ready!" Reed said before pushing a button on the camera.

The room fell silent as he counted down from three on his fingers.




Reed suddenly threw himself into our laps.


We all laughed as he tumbled off of our laps on to the floor.

Jumping up, Reed squishes in between Cody and I.

"Today we have Devin, Colby, Luna, and Cody!!" Reed shouts, smiling.

We all wave at the camera and look back at Reed.

"So today we are doing truth or dare! However there is a twist!! Devin has two hats full of truths and dares he wrote for us! So let's get started." He explained to the camera.

I moved my hair out of my face, putting on a smile.


"Okay, rock paper scissors to see who goes first!" Devin yells.

I turn to Colby as we play a quick game.. Colby lost, paper to scissors.

I look over to see Cody lose as well.

I play against Reed, quickly falling in defeat.

"Yes!! I'm KINGGGG!" Reed shouts, laughing wildly.

I giggle and shake my head at Reed.

"Sure you are." I respond.

We watch in awe as Cody and Colby play.

Finally we discover the overall loser.



"Dang it!" Cody says, pouting his lips as he looks at the hats.

"Truth or dare??" Devin asks, raising an eyebrow..

Cody hesitates before coming to an conclusion.

"Dare.." Cody says, smirking, shoving his hand deep into the hat full of dares.

Finally he pulls out a paper and opens it.

After a second, he looks up. "No. I'm not doing that!" Cody says, flustered, red faced.

"What?" I ask as Cody hands the paper to me.

Run throughout the lobby in only a towel, and ask people if they want to see your rubber "ducky".

I break out laughing, almost falling to the floor..

Reed snatches the paper as Colby climbs over Cody to read it. Colby hovers over Reeds shoulder, reading.

Suddenly he starts laughing himself.

Reed, a giggling mess, reads it out to the camera.

I spot a towel, grabbing it.

"Here." I say, still laughing as I give it to Cody.


We make it to the lobby.

Cody, angrily pouting, clutching the towel around his waist.

"Okay.. Do your thing!" Colby says, smirking at Cody, trying to hold in his laughter.

"I hate you." Cody says before running down the lobby.

He stops at a group of girls when Devin puts up a finger to his mouth before sneaking towards Cody.

Devin quickly yanks down Cody's towel exposing his lower area.


Colby throws his hands over my eyes.

"HURRY PUT THAT BACK ON!" Colby shouts, chuckling.

Finally, Colby tugs his hands away and Cody, red as a tomato, brushes past me towards the elevators.

"Where's your d-ducky??!!" Colby screams, laughing as he catches on his words.

Cody throws him the middle finger before climbing into the elevator.


We reach the hotel room and head on to the next player.


"Okay..Colby your turn." Devin says.

Colby stands up and stumbles over towards the two hats.

"Truth." Colby answers.

Suddenly, Cody shoots up from the bed.

"NO! your doing a dare Mr. "Do your thing"." Cody yells, ripping a paper out of the dare hat, giving it to Colby.

Colby chuckled at Cody's outrage and accepts the dare.

Cody sighs in relief and sits down.

Colby sits back down in his original spot on the hotel bed next me.


Colby opens up the paper, reading over it a few times.

"Uhm.." Colby mutters, breath catching in his throat.

"Read it for us!" Devin replies.

He looks down at the paper in his hands.

"Kiss the person to your right." Colby explains. 



I slowly realize who Colby has been dared to kiss...


"ARE YOU SERIOUS??!" Cody cries out, throwing his hands in the air. 

Reed stares at Codys tantrum.

"Jealous much?" Reed jokes.

Devin throws his head back as he laughs at the comment.

"Um. N-no.." Cody stumbles over his words, putting his hands down, looking at the floor.

"Now carry on." Reed says, looking at Colby and I.

We both sit speechless, unable to move or react.

Suddenly, Devin breaks the silence.

"We are waiting!" Devin says, rolling his eyes.

I feel my face grow warm as  I look over at Colby.

Colby looks at me, blinking innocently.


"Fine.." Colby says, giving in, trying to roll his eyes back at Devin.

Before I process it, Colby pecks me on the cheek and then looks away quickly.

His gaze falling to the floor.

I try not to smile as the room suddenly fills with hoots, hollering, and whistling.

"YOU DOG!" Reed laughs, slapping Colby's back..


Cody is getting jelly!! :)

Hope you like the book so far!!

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