Chapter 17

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Cody POV

I hope she's okay... I couldn't dare to see her upset.

I pull around the corner to see Luna leaning against the inside of a phone booth.

She is starring up at the ceiling of the phone booth, playing with her hands.

She's so beautiful.

I honk at Luna.

She looks over, slightly startled, flashing me a small smile.

Luna POV

I climb into the car with Cody.

I buckle my seatbelt, feeling Cody's eyes all over me, I crane my head to look at him.

My hair falls in my face as I quietly pull it away.

He blinks sadly at me. An apologetic look washed over his face.

"Cody.." I trail off.


"Are you okay baby girl?" Cody asks, putting his hand on my knee.


I swallow loudly and look at Cody, unable to answer without crying.

Cody gets the hint and moves on..

"Did Colby do something?" Cody questions as he looks at me closer. "Luna?"

I remain quiet and turn my gaze away.

The silence hangs in the air as I hear my own shallow breathing.

"Luna? Did he hurt you?" Cody says, voice slightly quivering as he hides it with a cough.


"No." I mutter.

Cody sighs in relief and sits back in position, taking a moment to think.

After a moment of silence,
Cody finally answers,


He then starts the car and begins to drive.


I lead Cody by hand to his couch, sitting down.

Cody throws himself down next to me, fingering at his long hair.

Taking a deep breath, I explain what happened.

My throat feeling as if it was scratching against sand paper as I tell Cody the things we said and did.

The entire time, Cody listens carefully, never interrupting with his usual f*ck boy comments.

When I come to a finish, Cody sighs silently to himself.

I put my hand on Cody's forearm.

"What?" I ask softly.

Cody looks back at me, once more.

"Well....I...-Im shocked that Colby would even do that.. He's never acted up like that, especially not towards anyone like you.." Cody answers, gesturing at me.


"Anyone like me..?" I mumble, looking up at Cody.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, a...young..beautiful girl who just simply needs someone to be their for her in her life.." Cody explains, blushing slightly, biting at his lips.

How did he know I ...?

Cody scans my puzzled face and let's out a chuckle, even though it was small it happened to fill up the whole room.

"You thought I didn't notice? All your little shy moments alone.. Smiling ever so brightly when someone helped you.." Cody said, giving a small smile, still blushing.

"I noticed it all baby girl."

I look up at Cody deeply..


Before I could react, Cody's warm, soft lips were up against mine once again.

And this time I wasn't gonna think about it...

Shoving all my thoughts away, I roughly kissed Cody back.

Slowly, he leaned me down on to the couch. My fingers tangling in his messy long hair. Back pressed down on the cushions.

Cody, out of breath, pulled away slightly.

"I want you Luna..I always have." Cody whispered huskily in my ear.

"Then take me."





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ily! Goodnight ;)

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