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I ran down the hall of my apartment building as fast as I could without falling to get to the elevator. My heals clicking on the old white tiles that covered the whole building, really didn't help the place look nice considering the walls were a dull grey, really welcoming. Hopefully I'll be out of this place soon and moving in with my boyfriend. I was late for my meet up with Cody, my boyfriend of a few years, he told me to meet him at our spot. The place that we always liked being together. I press the ground button and wait impatiently as I travel down. Tapping the balls of my feet on the elevator floor. When the doors finally open I trip over my own feet as I leave the building doors but catch myself before I fall flat on my face. I have always been a bit klutzy, especially when I'm late for things. I run to my parked car slipping into the drivers seat and turn the engine on.

I look at my watch and see it's been 20 minutes since Sasha was supposed to meet me. I expected her to be a little late, it's Sasha after all, hell she was later to our first date. Though she did show up in all smiles.

I flip the little black box in my hand, the perfect size for the small diamond ring inside. My phone starts to ring, it's not Sasha's ringtone that she picked out for herself so it's not her. So I fish it out of my pocket and see an unknown number on the screen. Odd, I don't usually get unknown phone calls.

I press the answer button "Hello?" I ask, still on the confused spectrum.

" Is this Cody Akins?" A voice says from the other end.

"It is, may I ask who this is?" I respond, hoping for some answers.

"It's Dr.Turner from the Central Hospital." The voice says, my heart starts to beat a bit faster.

"Hospital?" I manage to speak out.

"Mr.Akins , I have called to inform you that Sasha McKenny has been in a car accident and as been taken into the ER." My mouth goes dry, heart beating to the moon. I can all of a sudden feel the cool air more now.

My grip on the box loosens a little. " Is .... Is she ok?" I stammer, not knowing what I expect the answer to be.

" She's being examined at this moment, I have notified her parents and you were also under her emergency contact." They tell me. I can't even think straight right now.

" I'm on my way." I hang up. I've got to believe that's she's okay, she has to be okay. She's a fighter, she'll be okay.

I forced the box into my jacket pocket. Rushing to my car and getting in. My hands are slick with nervous sweat. I turn on the engine and grip the wheel, take a deep breath and rush to the hospital.

Once I get to the hospital I find a crappy taking spot and barely turn off the thing before I'm unbuckling my seat belt and open the door to get out.

I race to the ER doors and I run down the hall to the front desk, the place I sent exactly busy so I'm the only one need wing information right now.

There was a lady at the desk and looks at me as I approach " I need to see Sasha McKenny." I rush out, I'm surprised she was able to understand what I was staying.

The nurse turns away from me without a word and looks on a computer she typed some stuff, clicks some stuff and scrolls a little, then says " she's in surgery right now if you would sit in the waiting room the moment she's out I will let her doctor know you're here." She finishes gives me a sad smile and gets back to what she was previously working on.

I walk to the waiting room and sit in one of the uncomfortable waiting room chairs, the ones that when you sit down it's like hard wood, no cushion at all. I let out a sad sigh rubbing my eyes with my thumb and pointer finger, I was hoping that the next time I would be here with Sasha would be in a totally different section of the hospital, bright walls and animals on the walls with baby boots on the doors. Not this, not with her in surgery for something obviously fatal if they didn't wait even until a family member got here to okay the procedure. I run my hand through my hair and let out a breath.

" Cody ? Is she alright, is my baby girl ok?" I hear Sasha's mom say with a crack in her voice. I only wish I knew, but I don't.

I stand up and hug her tightly.Looking at Sasha's dad I could see tears in his eyes." She's in surgery right now. When's she's out the doctor will talk to us." I tell them, transferring all the information I know to them.

We all sat down and waited anxiously. Her mother in a mess of salted tears and her father trying his best to be a rock with a heart of hope. A minute feels like an hours, while I'm sitting here Sasha's in an operating room, for I know, on the brink of death. Stop it Cody , think happy thoughts not negative ones. Don't let the worst case scenario idea take over.

We sit,for what feels like forever, in those uncomfortable chairs. Each of us unable to talk since all we are capable of right now is worry, hope and wonder.

The doctor finally comes out and calls for Sasha's parents. We all stand up, "Mr and Ms McKenny?"He said walking over to us.

"Yes?" They both say, not knowing if they want the news he has to offer.

"Im Dr.Rickson, I operated on your daughter , Sasha," He states, looking back down at his clipboard of endless information. On that clipboard is how Sasha's doing, the information is right there.

"Yes, how is she? Will she be ok?"her father asks wanting to skip the obvious facts and small talk. 

The doctor looks down, signs then looks back up to the three of us."We have been able to stop the bleeding and she should make a full recovery, however...." my heart stops, however is never a good thing when standing in a hospital.

"Oh thank god." Her mother cries before the however statement can be finished.

"However, she seems to be in a comatose state, She has not gained consciousness since she was brought in. We do believe she will wake up, we just don't know when that will be." He says, breaking the news to us.

Sasha's mothers mouth shut instantly and i couldn't help but start to cry. I tried I really did but it's breaking my heart to hear this. "Do you have an estimate of when she might wake up." Her father finally asks, being the only one of the three of us able to even muster some words.

"There is not telling when , it could be tomorrow or in six months." The doctor says to us giving us a look of sympathy.

My heart sank like I was a lake and it was made of pure concrete. Six months, how am I suppose to last that long without her, I hope , with all i've got, that she wakes up sooner rather then later. I grip the box in my pocket, letting the tears roll down my face. I can't hold it in any.

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