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"Okay sign here." Mr.Brown said pointing to a space on the paper. Cody takes the pen from his other hand and pops the cap, a splash of joy showing as the ink touched paper.

"Here's the first and last month rent for you Mr. Brown" I said handing him the envelope with the money.

H takes the envelope and the signed papers."Alright you two, here's the key." He smiled and handed Cody the keys to our new apartment. I was so giddy and happy. It took time but we had finally gotten the perfect apartment to get together. "If you have any issues you know where to find me." Mr. Brown said as he left back into the office of his.

Cody looks at me with a grin plastered across his face. "Well, let's go." He said excitedly grabbing  my arm and running up the stairs. We hadn't moved in any of our stuff yet but now it was ours.

The two of us stand hand in hand, in front of the door. My heart was pounding. My checks almost hurt from smiling I don't think I've stopped since I woke up this morning. I was tired when I first got up since I hadn't slept a wink but now all I feel is excitement. It's over powering so much that I don't think I'll ever be tired again.

"Do you want to do the honours of opening the door?" He asks me holding the keys up.

"Can I?" I ask excitedly. He nods his head and hands me one of the three keys, one for him, one for me and a spare, gesturing to the lock. I took the small key and placed it in the lock. I heard the click of the door and I turned the cool metal to open it. The door swings open and reveals the room. I'm about to step in when I feel pressure on my wrist. I turn to Cody knowing it was him holding me back. "What ?"

He pulls me to him and picks me up bridal style." I'm taking you over the threshold." He smiles that dumb grin I love.

"That's for when you're married silly." I laugh. She shrugs his shoulders at me like no big deal.

"It's our first place together okay." He joins in my laughing.

"Okay okay," I giggle then quickly settle down, wrapping my arms around his neck."Proceed."

He carries me across the door into the apartment or the threshold as he says. He places me down and we stare at the area around us. The living room that has a small island separating it from the small kitchen there are three doors that go off, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Of course we are using one of the rooms as an office. It's perfect for two people.

"Our place." I say walking to Cody and connecting our lips. Soft and sweet. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. I couldn't be happier right now. Nothing else matters, jut this and only this.

"I've got my girl and a place that I can be all alone with her in ." He says with a small laugh and leans to me kiss my forehead.

"I've got my man and a place I can be all alone with him." I mock, tapping the tip of his nose with my finger.

"What more can we ask for?"he asks me rhetorically.

"Now where to put the spare key.." I question taking the extra key from Cody's hand.

"Let's just throw it under the welcome mat like everyone else does so we can get to more important things." He groans taking his arms off my waist.

"To easy..." I walk out to the hall and look for a place to keep it. " perfect." I mumble to myself as I slip the key just behind the light on the wall right beside our door, a place nobody but us would know about.

"Babe that's a perfect place now can we please maybe do something fun." He smiles at me with that stupid grin on his face again as he leans against the door frame his arms crossed over his chest.

I smirk at him," You mean before we go get all our stuff from the truck?" I ask walking to him.

"Finally we are on the same page." He say pulling me into the apartment kissing me all aver my face and neck.

"You are such a dork." I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hey, I'm your dork." He laughed

"Yeah a dork I for some odd reason actually like." I smile into the kiss he planted on me.

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