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I see Cody and can't help but smile from ear to ear, he looks so handsome. I can't honestly believe that I have him. The music fills the air and happiness is laced in the air. I walk to him and stand by his side. I join our hands and intertwine our fingers. His skins so soft and I can tell mine are clammy from nerves. He squeezes my hand as a small reassurance, he's my rock right now, like he has been the length I've known him.

It was a crazy roller coaster ride for us. Six months of being gone. Then waking up to a life I had forgotten too many aspects to count. I was a mess. It was only about a year ago that I finally remembered everything. Absolutely everything.Including Cody, the best boyfriend alive. It feels like just yesterday but I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. After that night that I got my memory back completely Cody and I did so much together now that he didn't have to worry about overwhelming me. A few weeks after I was me agin he finally told me about what he went through when I was out, in a coma that is. It was rough for him. And it was even worse for him when I woke up and didn't remember him.We're great now happily living in our apartment. I started back up my job too and I'm loving it. Best job I could have ever asked for. Life's perfect right now. I couldn't ask for anything more then this. This is perfect. Everything is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Even the thought makes me smile.

I am eternally grateful, not only because I have Cody but because I was lucky enough to remember him. He is so perfect. He waited and went through the toughest of months to wait for me. The poor man, had to live in an apartment with constant reminder of a girl that could not remember him, he had to live each day wondering if the girl he loved would ever remember him.

Now thinking back to that it still makes my heart ache, knowing that I hurt him so much, though to this day he reassures me that it was a time he would never take back. To him and made him realize how much he truly loves me. And the moment I remembered everything, I realized how much I missed Cody and how happy I was to have him.

It's as though words can not begin to explain and express how happy I am now. Yeah the accident took a lot from me, however I fought my heart out and got it all back.

"Sasha?" The man standing in front of me said.

"Hum" I hum as I'm snapped out of my daze.

"Do you?" He asks, eyes filled with concern of cold feet.

I look at Cody and see that sparkle in his eye that  I fell in love with. I have nothing but pure love for this man before me on this beautiful day. I glance down at our hands, fit perfectly together. I love this man. He waited so long for me to remember and he never lost hope .I have no hesitation.

"I do." I say " forever and always." I smile looking up to Cody.

He slips the band on my finger and I follow suit.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said to Cody and I.

Cody wraps his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. "No regrets?" He asks quickly

I shake my head." No regrets." I say

Our lips meet and the crowd of family and friends cheer. I smile into the kiss. And I can feel Cody's laughter vibrate through me as he laughed against my lips. We part after a few more seconds. He rests his forehead against mine.

"You ready to do this thing Mrs. Adkins?" He asks me.

"I was ready the moment I met you." I say to him. He takes my hand and we intertwine our fingers. We smile at one another once more and then walk our way down the isle. Cheers erupt from the family and friends that surround us.

We laugh as we exit the building and get into the limo waiting for us.

"All we have to do is get through this reception then it's off to Hawaii." Cody smiles at me bringing my chin towards him. "Then we can do whatever we want." He says before kissing me, first on the lips then on the corner of my lips, his kisses trail from my lips to my neck.

"Okay, I love you so much, but I do not need a hickey at this reception." I laugh as Cody starts to suck sweetly on the skin on my lower neck.

"Awe baby, we're married now" he smiles against my skin.

"Babe." I start taking his head in my hands. "I promise after this reception you can do whatever you want with me. However until then, I still have to face friends and family, they don't need to see the not so innocent side of me." I smirk at him.

"Alright." He says a smile playing at his lips.

" I love you Mr. Adkins."

"I love you Mrs. Adkins."

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