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I wake up to the warm sun beaming in on me. This place feels like home,  it's not awkward or as nerve racking as I thought it was going to be. I run my eyes from sleep. Sitting up I can smell something delicious from the other side of the bedroom door smell the air and feel a smile form on my face. I sleepily stand up off the bed and walk to the door. I'm about to turn the knob when I realize I'm still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I go over to the bags of stuff I bought yesterday and pull out the blue skinny jeans and white and black baseball tee I bought. I throw it on, putting my other clothes in the laundry without even thinking about it. I leave my hair in the now messy ponytail. Walking into the kitchen it feels as though I've lived here for years.

"Hey." I say sitting on one of the stool chairs at the island

"Morning." Cody responds not looking away from the food that he's cooking.

"What are you making? It smells delicious." I say, closing my eyes and taking in the sent

"Just omelettes. Nothing special." Mixing a few things into the egg mixture he worked on and pouring it in the pan. Causing an immediate sizzling sound as the egg hit the buttered pan.

"Hey I like omelettes thank you very much."

"Sash you are a special one." He laughs "Here, chow down." He places a plate with an omelette in front of me with a fork.

"Thank you." I start to eat the perfectly made omelette. Only a bit later does Cody sit down beside me with his own plate.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks before taking a bite of his food.

"Great, it's like our bed is made of clouds." He smiles at his food. "What?" I say trying not to laugh at him and his stupid smirk.

"You said ours."

I blush slightly," I did didn't I?"

We finish eating and Cody starts to get up but I stop him.

"Let me." I tell him and grab his plate. "You've done so much for me already." I take his plate over to the sink and start to rinse it off. "Hey Cody?"

"Yeah." He says close to me. He grabs a towel and dries the dishes once I'm done washing. "What's up?" I hand him the second plate.

"Do you think..." I turn off the water my mouth getting dry. "Would it be okay.." I dry my hands as my heart pounds in my chest.

"Babe you have to spit it out." He laughs putting the plate away.

"Could I maybe move back in here?" I finally get out. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I look up to Cody his state almost blank, did I say something wrong? I shake my head and turn away, ready to bolt from him. "Sorry I shouldn't have..."

He grabs me by my arm and I stare right in his eyes. "Sasha don't joke with me are you serious?" He says remaining stationary on my arms.

"Yeah I'm one hundred percent serious." I say almost nervous now of how he might react. I'm trying to advert my eyes.

"Nothing would make me happier Sash" he smiles and hugs me in a bear hug I can feel him lift me off the floor and spin me around in happiness.

"Cody calm down." I giggle

"Sorry." He says putting me down. "I'm just so happy." He says then kisses me all over my face, causing me to laugh harder.

"I have to go back to my parents place and tell them and get my stuff." I say feeling bush heat up my cheeks.

"Well come on, I'll drive" He says swiftly grabbing his keys from the little bowl by the door. I follow him out of the place locking it along the way.


"Okay you're positive you want to move back in? I don't want you to feel like you have to I just.."

I kiss him to stop him from talking, I can instantly feel him relax. "C I want to."

We talk standing just outside the front door. I can see that both of my parents are home and I had texted Carrie to come over too.

"Let's go." I say opening the door to my parents place, tightening my grip on Cody's hand. We step inside and the place is silent. "Mom?"

"In the kitchen honey." I hear her yell. We walk to the kitchen and Carrie and my dad are sat at the table as my mom finishes placing a cut of coffee, I'm guessing anyways, in front of my dad.

"Cody," my dad says nodding in Cody's direction. "Haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?"

"Good sir and yourself?" He answers

"Quite good." He takes a sip of his coffee.

"Listen guys I have something I want to tell you guys." I tell them and my mother sits down.

"What is it dear?" She says

"I've decided to..." I start but am cut off by Carrie.

"Oh my god!" She screams. My parents look at her confused but I know Carrie can read my mind. I smile and nod at her. " OH MY GOD!!" She screams again.

"Will someone please tell us what's going on here?" My dad asks still very confused at the current situation.

"Mom, dad . I've decided to move back into the apartment."

They stare and smile. "Oh dear! You've gained back some memories! We're making progress!" My mother says getting up and giving me a hug.

"Now honey," my dad starts," if you change your mind at any point we're here."

" I know thank you dad." I give him a hug. "Carrie can you come help me pack up some stuff?"

"Of course!" She says over excitedly as she starts to run to my room.

"I'll stay here and hang with your parents." Cody says kissing me on the hand as I walk away.

"Okay what all are you packing?"

"Just my clothes and a few pictures, oh and my phone charger, and those books over there, and my makeup and I'm going to steal this." I say holding up a honey coloured blanket.

"Stealing a blanket?"

"Yeah my mom let me use it while I was here, it's so soft and I love the colour. I'm sure if I asked her she'd let me take it." I start to fold the blanket." But I don't want to risk it."

Carrie laughs as she putts the rest of my few things into a box she found under the bed. "There we go all ready to get your life back."

"Thanks Carrie."

"No problem, I'll do whatever to help my girl get back on the highway." She picks up the box and heads out the door.

"Um I'm pretty sure that's not how the saying goes." I grab the bag on my bed and my jacket from the end of the bed.

"Oh whatever." She yells back at me.

We get down to the car and put my stuff in the back seat.

"Ready Sash?" Cody asks me as he starts to get into the drivers seat of his car.

"Ready C!"

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