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"Sasha , It's been a long time since i've seen your eyes, I miss them dearly, please open them." I hear , it's the same voice i've heard speaking to me many times before, I don't know who it belongs to. Every day he tells me to open my eyes. Sometimes I try to but it's just to hard. "Please Sasha."

My eyes flutter open and bright light blinds me , once my eyes adjust I move my head around a bit and see the face that belongs to the voice I have only heard for so long. A young man with messy brown hair stares at me with teary brown eyes. It looks like he's been here a while, eyes red accompanied by a series of bags from sleepless nights, a mess in general.

"Sasha?" He asks, pressing a button by my head " I can't believe you're awake. I so hope I'm not dreaming." He says a tear rolling down his cheek meeting at the smile that had formed at his lips.

A women in a white jacket walks into the room with a smile on her face. "Ms.McKenny so glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" She asks me.

I stare at her for a moment "Confused."I say  my moth ending up to be a lot dryer then I initially thought it was.

"Take a drink." The women says handing me a cup of water. "Could you tell me what your name is?"

I take a small sip before answering "Uh... Sasha McKenny."

Her smile widens as she takes a clipboard off the end of the bed and joys some things down. "Good, do you know where you are?" The women asked just as the rooms door opens and two people enter in a frenzy. They look familiar to me.

"Mom, Dad?" I question. hopping that's right. No correction knowing that's right.

The doctor looks over to the door and motions her hand to a few chairs along the side of the room. "Please, Mr and Mrs McKenny, take a seat, "she says then turns back to me." You know them?"

"Yes , there're my parents. " I say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

She hits down a few more notes on the paper nodding her head,"Ok , now do you know where you are or why?" She questions me further.

"A hospital , I'm guessing. Why, I don't know." I tell her honestly. I assume it's a hospital, it's white, overly clean. Looks like a hospital bed and she's a doctor so.

She looks back over to my parents then nods to them, I don't know what for. She looks back to me and starts to speak. "Well Ms. You were in a fatal car accident about six months ago and have been in a coma since then."

"Six months?" I say surprised, no way I was sleeping for that long. That's crazy. Accident?

She looks at me with pitiful eyes. "I understand that it's probably hard for you right now but I need you to stay calm. What's the last thing you remember?" She asks me.

I hack my brain trying to remember what the last thing I remember is. Ironic I can't remember the last thing I remember. "I....I don't know." I say honestly.

She nods like I've done a good job on her little survey. "Okay, I think you have mild amnesia, you can recall some things and others are a complete blank, right?" I nod my head in response " Most things should come back on their own with the help of your family they can come back faster, sometimes trying to recall memories or even relieving things can trigger the memory to return." She tells me and my parents at the same time.

The boy from early goes to stand at the other side of me, he looks at me with those eyes of his when he speaks the voice from my dreams comes out again," Sasha, baby." He says I'm the softest voice I can recall.

I feel so bad to say what I'm about to, I know he's been here but.. "I'm sorry, should I know you?" The second those words leave my mouth hurt fills his eyes. I feel bad but I don't know what to say, I don't want to pretend I know him when to me he's a stranger.

My mother stand up and comes to stand by my side, she holds my hand and looks at me concerned. "Sasha? You don't know who this is?" She asks.

"I'm sorry." I say shaking my head.

The doctor finally speaks up,"There is no need to panic, she'll remember after time. Perhaps trying to remake some of the things that the two of you always did, recreate some dates, memories. It will come back to her." She finishes with a hopeful time to he words.

I look back to the guy, "May I ask who you are?" I say to him, still feeling a little bad about the fact that I can't remember him.

He takes a breath before speaking, "I'm Cody Akins, your boyfriend ." That makes me feel even worse. Why can't I remember.

I want to make it up to him so I tell him the only thing I can think of. "Your voice," I start with a crack in my voice. "I heard it, a lot, in my dreams."

I was right, this brings a slight smile to the corner of his mouth, "I barley left your side. I always asked you to wake up." So I wasn't just imagining it, someone was trying really hard to get me to open my eyes and wake up.

I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes and one slides down my cheek." I'm so sorry." I blubber out. He comes over to me and wraps his arms around me, it feels welcome and like I've done this before. It's comforting to me.

He runs his hands over my back and arms to calm me. "It's Ok Sasha, we'll get you to remember, I'm not giving up with out a fight." He assumes me.

The doctor speaks up once again, I almost forgot she was even in the room. "Lets get her some food and rest. I would like to keep her overnight for observation and she can go home tomorrow."

"That"s fine,Sasha dear,would you like to come stay with us or go to your apartment?" My mother asks

Her question catches me by surprise. "Apartment?" I ask " I live alone?"

Cody specks up,"No you live with me." He adds, that makes more sense, no I feel like I'm not the kind to live by myself.

"Oh," it's the only thing I can say ,"Can I sleep on it?"

"Of corse." My mother says sweetly

There's a knock on the door and some people come in with food, and I only eat a little. Once i'm done my parents say goodnight and tell me they'll be back in the morning. Cody gets up to leave but I stop him. "Wait." He stops and turns to me. "Can you stay a bit longer?" I ask almost embarrassed.

"Always." He says and starts to walk over to my bedside. He sits in the chair beside the bed.

As much as I don't recall him, I don't want him to leave. He brings me a sort of safe feeling.

             ~                  ~                ~

I've been thinking all morning and on one hand , Cody said we have been together a long time, but I just can't remember. I'm jolted into reality when the door opens and my parents, the doctor and Cody walk in.

"Well, Sasha , I am proud to say, you are officially released from the hospital in the custody of your parents." The doctor says to me clapping her hands together in congratulations.

I thought they were giving me the choice? Though I must admit I'm not entirely mad that they decided for me."So I'm going home with you?" I ask them for clarification.

"We thought it would be best, at least until you can remember some things about Cody and you." My Mom says, I look to Cody and he's nodding his head in agreement.

I nod my head as they all leave so I can get myself together. I feel bad about Cody still, but I agree with them all, I think this is for the better .I change into a pair of jeans and a light pink t-shirt that my parents brought with them today for me to wear. I then pack the few things on the table beside the bed, a few stuffed bears , a dozen cards and a bouquet of flowers all with messages from get well soon to we miss you. I finish getting my stuff together and open the door, walking to the waiting room.

"Ready?" My father asks me taking the bag I was holding from my hands.

"Ready." I say in response.

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