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I look around the door and see the light near the door. I reach behind it and feel a key. I pull it out from behind the light and look at it, this is definitely the key I remember. I put it in the lock and turn they key. I hear the familiar click of the door and I turn the knob entering the apartment. I look around. It is the place I remember. Same old apartment.

"Our apartment." I mumble to myself. I run my fingers over a few things and hear steps coming my way.

"Sash hey!" Cody says kinda surprised

"Hey. I hope you don't mind I used the spare key to come in." I say showing the key, like I'm trying to excuse the reason I just came in.

"Not at all, this is your place to after all." He sends me a gentle smile.

"Is it a okay is I put all this stuff in or room, for now anyway?"

"Go for it." He says pointing to one of the doors I walk to the room and place my bags by the dresser. I look in the drawers. I feel like I'm intruding. I see many cloths and notice that two of the four drawers must be mine. I back up to the bed and lay down. It's so comfortable, like being on a cloud. A few minutes pass and I hear the door creek. I sit up and see Cody holding a mug.

"Thought I'd make you some tea. It always calmed you down." He says handing me the cup and siting down beside me. "Careful it's a little hot, I know you like it warm rather then hot so you can..."

"Drink it right away rather then wait for it to cool down a little then forget about it." I cut him off

"Exactly." He smiles. "So you remembered where the key was hidden."

"Yeah kinda just had a feeling I guess. Should I put it back when I leave?" I ask taking a few sips of the tea, it was the perfect blend.

"No you keep it. You lost yours in the crash so you need a new one, I'll get a copy of mine to put in the hall. "

Lost mine in the crash. Like my memory. I practically lost my life in that crash. What a crap event. If only I hadn't been going anywhere that night.

"Listen I can make us dinner if you want. I've got stuff to eat in. I know you rather eat in then out most of the time, except special events of course."

"I'd like that."

"Great," he grins as he gets up. "How about you relax here and finish your tea. You can wander around the place if you want." He finishes as he leaves the room. I sit in silence and finish my tea looking around the room, it's pretty simple. A mirror in the corner and the sheets are black and white. Two night stands with random stuff on them.  I finish the tea and wander into the living room, Cody is so preoccupied that he didn't notice me or at least it didn't look like he did. I walked over to the other door, my office.

A desk with a laptop a top it. Papers and pens are all around it, the area is decorated with art and framed quotes and pictures. Many of the pictures are of Cody and I. We are a cute couple I must admit. I sit down in the rolling chair that sits at the computer. Putting my empty mug on the desk I open the computer and it turns on. The background is a picture of Cody and me making stupid faces and I can't help but smile at it. I open a file and see things that look like something that must be for my work. I spend the next twenty minutes messing around on my laptop and even look more into what it is I do.

"Sash, it's ready." I hear Cody from the other room. I shut off the laptop and close it. I walk into the kitchen area and see two plates side by side on the island. It's a plate of  chicken with a salad .

"It looks delicious." I say sitting down.

"And your favourite to drink." He says. Pulling out a bottle of wine.

"A bit special don't you think?"

"Well you're a special girl." He says and pours me a glass

We finish eating and I help Cody clean up. "Want to watch a movie or something? He asks once we've finished.

"Sure why not?" I answer siting on the couch and waiting for the movie Cody put in to start. He sits down beside me and I hesitantly move closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder. He kinda tenses and then he wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. I feel so safe with him around.

I could feel my eyes getting heavy and I close my eyes for just a second and I drift away. I wake up slightly when I hear Cody talking to someone. I no longer feel him around me and miss his warmth and comfort.

"Don't worry," he pauses "yeah she's here with me." Then he hangs up. I keep my eyes closed in hope he wont notice I've woken up a bit. I feel him pick me up and walk to ,I'm guessing the bedroom. My suspicion is confirmed when I'm placed on the cloud of a bed. I feel him kiss me on the forehead "sweet dreams baby. I'll sleep on the couch." He starts to walk away

"Cody?" I mumble .He stops mid step and looks at me in the dark of the room." Stay please." I tell him.

"Okay." He says softly and then in less then a minute later I feel the bed dip on his side. I slide closer to him and rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

I'm making progress. And I can't wait to remember completely. I smile as I let  sleep take over me once again.

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