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"An ice cream place, that's your choice of date?" I ask as we walk into the ice cream parlour, Cody so kindly holding the door open for me to enter.

"Well who doesn't like ice cream, it's cool on a perfect warm day and it's really comforting no matter the situation." He says following me into the place immediately looking at the wide variety of flavours.

"Cody, you're very odd yet you make complete sense." I say, a laugh escaping my lips.

"Now for the real debate," he says still fixed on the basins of ice cream. "what flavour do you pick?There are so many options." He says in all seriousness like my life depends on this one choice of ice cream.

"There can't be that many." I say oh too soon, we get to the counter where all the flavours are  out. I stare at them all like Cody had been previously, not knowing exactly what I want.

"Sasha? You're already speechless? I haven't even gotten to flatter you yet." he says with the stupidest smile, but I can't help but smile back. He's such a dork sometimes, but I've got to admit, I'm into dorks.

"There's just, I don't want to pick one and make the others feel bad." I say pouting my lips.

"Sasha? You know they don't have feelings, it's ice cream." Cody laughs covering his mouth to hold in some of his laughter.

"Fine, point proven. " o say smacking him playfully on the arm. "But I just..... you pick." I instruct. Since I'm terrible at making choices I'll make him do it. Problem solved.

"What if you don't like what I pick?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Your fate will be sealed." I grin looking from him back to the ice cream selection. "Pick wisely my good man."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questions me with a unsteady tone.

"I guess you'll have to pick and see. No pressure." I say as I walk away to a table to await the chosen Ice cream.

I watch Cody order and the guy scoop the ice cream, I can't tell the flavour from here. Soon Cody arrives at the table and hands me a bowl of ice cream. It's a creamy colour with swirls of light brown and cookie bits. I take a bite as Cody sits down. He watches me intently awaiting my reaction. He didn't even take a bit of ice cream yet.

"Well?" He questions.

"Mr. Adkins, I must say I have no idea what the flavour of this ice cream is" I say to him. He takes a bit before answering.

"It's coffee and cookie mix."

"Interesting choice." I say to him as he take some more of his own ice cream.

"Did I pass your little test?" He asked with a nerves look in his eye. He's kinda cute, the way he gets all nervous that I won't like him.

"With flying colours my friend." I say putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and smirking while closing my eyes to enjoy the full flavour.

When I re open my eyes Cody has a smile plastered  across his face. He's got a nice smile, and good taste in ice cream. That I have to say is one great combination.

"I think this might be my new favourite flavour." I tell him taking a heaping spoonful of ice cream, making sure to get a little coffee and cookie in the bite.

"It's good to know I have good taste." He smiles eating some more of his own. "Next time we get it in a waffle cone, they are even more delicious. Then it's like a coffee, cookie waffle mix. A real work of art if you ask me."

"Next time we are definitely doing that." I tell him, he had a satisfied smile on his face, he just smoothly scored himself at least one more date to Blitz. Well done.

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