.Authors note.

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I hope you guys all liked it! I would like to thank everyone that read this. As well as every vote. Everything that any of you have contributed to this story has been greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for everything.

I don't know if any of this is correct about a coma and amnesia, I've never had it nor have I known someone who has, so information could be wrong. So sorry if it is.

I have just gone through once and edited a few things as well as added some to the story. I do believe that everything still makes completely sense. If there was something in the story that did not make sense plot and story line wise please let me know so I can take a look and fix the holes.

There is no doubt still many grammatical and spelling errors in this writing, and I am aware of that, this edit was more to add a bit to the story. I did fix any mistakes I saw however when I'm staring at words all day many things slip by.

Thank you so much

All My Love

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