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"The beach. Cody wants me to go to the beach. That means I have to actually look good because I'll be wearing a bikini. Gosh this guy" I say with a slight huff at the tail end.

I complain to Carrie, like I often do.The poor girl has been listening to me complain for like two hours, I know I complain like a lot but this is almost getting to the ridiculous point. But she has to be here as I try on different bathing suits, it's like girl code she's gotta tell me what I look hot in.

"Listen Sasha I think you really like this guy I mean you never care what you look like this much" I glare at her once the words leave her mouth. I hate to admit it but I think she's right. I've never cared so much about what people think, let alone some guy. I could be dressed in my comfy hoodie and ripped leggings and go through my day without a second thought.

"I hate when you're right." I mumble under my breath and cross my arms over my chest in defeat as I go and change into a different suit.

"What was that? Did I just hear you say that you finally found someone you like?" She says excitedly to me through the change room door.

I laugh a little and roll my eyes as I take off the suit,"Carrie stop. I don't know." I sigh while shaking my head. I come back out and look in the mirror provided. " Eww I look like a damed blob in this stupid thing. Why do they all look like crap on me?" I say turning slightly to see the back, it's got two sets of strings across the back, that's gonna make for some interesting tan lines.

She rolls her eyes at me."Sasha you look great, I know you're gonna hate me, but to be honest I think this is the best one by far that you've tried on" she grins as if it's the perfect one as she stands next to me.

I look back in the mirror. The suits simple, just black with a little white flower in the corner on both the top and bottoms, they are tie though with strings tied at each side of my hips for the bottoms and around my neck and back for the top, but why not? " I guess it looks okay" I smile. Trying not to let the fact that Carrie was right again get to her head.


I step onto the beach and around the area to try and find Cody. No sight of him anywhere along the beachside. I swear if this guy stands me up...

"Hey sash!" I hear from behind me. I quickly turn around to find Cody asking over to me. He gives me a small wave in which I return.

"Hey. I thought you changed your mind on me." I smile feeling guilty for even mentioning it. I could feel my face heat up from embarrassment already.

"And miss a shot at you. You're nuts." He says sending me a flashy bright smile. He lifts his hand and starts handing me a small box.

I take it and look at it confused m. "what's this?" I ask him look back up to meet his eyes.

He just smiles, I can't even read his expression only that he's happy. "An offering. Just open it." He says pointing to the box.

I laugh as I open the box .I open the box fully and see two perfect chocolate covered strawberries. The chocolate looks so smooth and the red and green of the strawberries on the top compliments perfectly. "I love chocolate covered strawberries" I say excitedly. Smile spreading across my face easily from ear to ear.

Cody lets out a sigh, like he was holding in his breath. "That's good I was worried you wouldn't like them." He laughs nervously.

I shake my head like it was a silly thing for him to think. "Oh I love them, I don't get them often though, in my place they are only for special occasions like Christmas or valentines day." I say through a smile.

"Well how about we make it our special little thing?" He says smirking pointing between me and him.

"If you're asking me that every time we hang out like this I get some chocolate covered strawberries I'd say you're a dream." I smile eating one of the perfectly made treats.

"Then it's final, it's forever and always our thing." He says simply.

"Forever and Always." I say smile on my face

"Come on, the water is calling." He says to me grabbing my hand. I put down my bag and box and follow him to the waters edge. It's cold but refreshing.

We spend the rest of the time splashing around and get into a splash fight we both get soaked even though I originally didn't want to get my hair wet, then again we are at a beach so that lasted a total of two minutes.

"Okay okay. I surrender." I yell as the last wave of water splashed at me hits me right in the back. The waters refreshing but not in the eyes.

We both can't stop laughing and then I feel my top loosen. "Oh crap, I knew I should have gone with the other suit" I say as the tie around my neck comes undone. I quickly cover my chest. What a great thing. I can feel my face turn scarlet

"Here let me." Cody say coming over to me. I can feel my heart pounding as I try to keep covered. He picks up both the strings of my bikini that float just in front of me. He wraps his hands behind my neck and began to tie my suit back up. He's so close I can feel his breath, minty fresh. He doesn't lose eye contact with me, it's kinda awkward but I can't pull my eyes away. Then in one swift motion he moves a pice of my wet hair behind my ear and our lips meet. Oh my god! Oh my god! Is this actually happening?!?!  He pulls away and smiles at me not breaking eye contact even slightly.

"I like your swim suit." He says with a smile. Me letting out a nervous laugh.

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