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It's been a few days since I was discharged from the hospital, and so far and the only thing I can remember about Cody is that he asked me out when we were in high school. I wouldn't call it progress. I still feel terrible that I can't remember him. I wonder why out of all people I would forget him. If we were as close as people say then why can't I remember. I lay on my bedroom floor in my parents house, mind wandering and no answers coming to me. It's like being behind a white brick wall. I want to break through it and remember all that I've forgotten but the wall won't budge. I'm gonna need to try harder, though I'm not entirely sure even a sledge hammer could crack it.

"Sasha," my mother whispers while opening the bedroom door as if I was to sensitive to hear the creak of the door." Sorry I wasn't sure if you were sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you." She smiles at me

I give her a weak smile "It's okay mom you're not disturbing me at all." I assure her. I sit up to see her better.

"Well we have to leave for the doctors in like twenty minutes so start to get ready." She tells me pointing to my dresser.

"Alright I'll be out in two." My mother smiles then leaves, closing the door behind her. I get up and stare at myself in the mirror located in the corner of the room. I remember the face that looks back at me but why can't that mind remember the thing that was once so important to her? I let out a sad sigh and start to ready myself.

We got to the doctors and sit in the waiting room. I flip though a magazine of supernatural activity, not like it's all that believable but it's all they have here and my phone was dead why I didn't charge it, I have no idea. Like their was going to be any good reading material provided.

"Honey?" My mother asks putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I say not looking up from the magazine.

"I just got a message from someone at work I have to go in for a bit will you be okay by yourself?" Her voice is filled with sympathy, I wish she would stop treating me like I'm China doll.

I look up from the magazine to look at her face, it's one trying to send a 'I'm here for you. But also filled with more you sure you're okay look. "Yeah I'll be fine. Will you be back to pick me up or." I start to ask.

"I hope so but I might not, I'll try." She got up and left not five minutes after she left the doctor called me in.

"So  Sasha how have you been?" She asks me motioning me to sit down.

I take a seat on the paper surface of the bench. "Good I guess."

"Had any memories come back at all or is it all still a blank?" She questions further, I know it's what she's supposed to do but it's only been a few days and I'm already tired of it.

"I can kinda remember a few things but it's all really fuzzy." I tell her shaking my one hand in a kinda yes kinda no way.

She gives me a smile "Well I'm sure you'll remember in time. So today I'm just gonna do a routine Check up and make sure you're all good since you were out for so long. Then we can talk more about how the memory is coming ." She says putting in a pair of latex gloves.

When the doctor had just finished there was a soft knock on the door. The doctor got up from the chair in front of me to the door she took off the gloves she was wearing and tossed them in the bin.

"Excuse me Sasha I just have to step out for a second." She says, giving me an apologetic look.

I sit in silence for a minute then the door opened again. Okay I know she said she would be back in a second but I don't think she meant literally a second. But it wasn't her, in walked the boy that I wish I knew better. Scratch that I know him very well, the boy I wish I could remember knowing well.

He walks in and stand close to the door, keeping a good distance between me and him."Hey sash, I know it's probably not ideal to see me but your mom texted and said she wouldn't be able to pick you up she's stuck at work." He says.

I nod like I expected it, not gonna lie kinda was expecting her ditch even if she wasn't supposed too but , that might be too much to ask for.
"Oh..." I paused " I could have walked" I said a little to harsh. I didn't mean to sound mean, I just wanted him to know that he didn't have to come all this way for some chick that can't even remember him.

"It's raining and it's like twenty minutes  away." He said walking a little closer and a small laugh escaping his lips.

" I'm sorry." I sigh quietly.

"For what?" He asks me extremely confused as to the reason for my abrupt apology.

I sit in silence for a moment, wanting to sink into the uncomfortable cushion."Everything. For being harsh just now, I don't mean for it to come out like that.... and for not remembering you. I just." I felt tears come to the brink of my eyes and I couldn't let another word out of my mouth for fear if I spoke I would cry.

"Hey hey," Cody said walking quickly over to me and placing  his hands on my shoulders, he has a gentle touch. "listen to me, I don't care how long it takes you to remember me even if we have to start from scratch. Ill wait sash. I love you and always will no matter how long it takes for me to get you back. I'm not giving up on you ." He says starring right knit my eyes, hitting my heart straight on.

" I'm sorry." I whisper out one last time. I had a good feeling he didn't like that I said it again.

"No more apologies, you don't have to apologize for anything. Now let's get out of here okay." He says just as the doctor come back in the room. "She can leave now right?" He asks her and I wipe my eyes of dampness.

"Of course. She's doing just fine." She tells him. She tells us to have a good day and we're off.

We walk through the parking lot, Cody leading the way to his car. I got in The passenger side of the car , Cody in the drivers seat and we started driving off.

Cody drives in the wrong direction and I furrow my eyebrows with confusion. "Where are we going?" I asked him," my parents place is the other direction." I say pointing my thumb back.

He glances over to me faster and flashes a smile. "I thought I could take you somewhere first." Greta this is sounding like something that will appear on the news tomorrow morning.

"Like where?" I say with a slight worry showing in my voice.

He lets out a small laugh, probably knowing exactly what I was thinking. My checks feel hot from embarrassment. "Don't worry, you'll like it." He assures me.

We sat in silence for about five minutes as Cody turned and stoped on the road taking us somewhere unknown,then we turned into a place called Blitz.

I look at the store window and see a guest ice cream cone, on it is over 10 flavours, in big, bold letters. " Is this an ice cream place?" I ask looking at him as he backs into a parking spot.

He nods his head while putting his car in park then cutting the engine. "Yeah, you used to love the ice cream here. I took you here for a date one time. One of the best ones I've ever had." He says proud of himself almost. Like the idea was the best he ever had.

"Because of the ice cream?" I asked as we both unbuckled and got out of the car slamming the doors with a soft push.

"No," he pauses, looks at me like he's looking into my soul. "I think it was because of the company." He smiles the. Started to walk off towards the stores front door.

That made me smile, he definitely knows how to talk to a girl. Even one that's forgotten him almost entirely.

"You coming?" He asks holding the door open for me. I must have stoped waking in thought. I quickly rush to the door walking in while I give Cody a polite nod.

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