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"Sasha, I see you are moving back in?" Mr. Brown asked as we bumped into him on the ground floor of the apartment building.

"How'd you ever guess?" I laugh looking over at Cody whose carrying a box and down at my hand holding a bag.

"Same old Sasha." He smiles " glad you're back." With that he went back to his office.

Cody and I walk up the stairs to our place. I drop my bag and use my new key to open the door. We walk in and Cody closes the door behind him, we put my stuff of the bed in our room.

"Want any help putting your stuff away, including all that new stuff from your grand shopping trip with Carrie?"

"No it's okay I think I can handle it."

"Alright. I have to go out and do a few things but I should be back by dinner, there's stuff in the fridge for lunch. Spend the time re connecting with the place." He says as he leaves the room. "Oh." He says popping his head in the door way. "Welcome home Sash."

With that he leaves. I hear the door close and I'm alone in the apartment. I spend an hour putting stuff away and going through my stuff that was already here. I get rid of a few shirts and sweaters and end up  throwing out at least 7 earrings that I discover I only have one of.

I look in the fridge to see what's there that I can make myself for lunch. I end up just making a salad. I switch on the tv and search through the movies I could watch. I find a good one and slump on the couch eating my salad.  It's nice being here, I know I took a large step back when I was in that accident but at this moment, I feel like I'm on the 25 mile of the marathon.

An hour and a half later the movie finishes and I learn I don't really like the movie. I couldn't get into it at the beginning but for some reason I thought as it went on it would have gotten better. I feel my phone vibrate and I quickly grab it. It shows Carries name.

"Hello?" I say into the phone, sitting up from my slumping position on the couch.

"Hey girl! How's the apartment?"

"Like I remember." I laugh slightly and take the remote to turn off the tv.

"I can't believe you're actually starting to remember things, I could cry." Her voice cracks through the phone.

"Don't break on me Carrie." I laugh through the phone as I re adjust on the couch again and curl up.

"So where is Cody at?"

"I don't know, he said he'd be back in time for dinner."

"So does that mean I can come over and hang for a bit?"

"Sure." I shrug though she can't see me through the phone.

"Awesome I'll be over in like twenty minutes."

"See you then." I hang up the phone and shut it off. I go into my office and decide to work a little, or try to anyway.

I work my way through fines and the website blog thing that I work for. I think I've got the idea. I've got to write and edit and organize. I guess I do a little bit of everything. I send a quick string of texts to my boss and discuss when I can start again.

About twenty minutes later there is a knock on the door. I start to get up but then I hear Carrie from the front room.

"Carrie is here, where are you?"

"Office!" I yell to her sitting back down.

"Hey, working away in here are you?" She was walking into the office that I'm working in.

"Yeah, I think I've got the hang of what I actually do, working for this blog website thing. Kinda anyway."

"Well that's good." Now let's do something." She says pulling on my arm

"Okay okay. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go out."

"Carrie! I thought when you said you wanted to hang out you meant here."

"Ugh come on." She wines, pulling me on my arm harder this time.

"What if Cody comes back and we aren't back yet?"

"Oh just leave him a note." She says rummaging through the stuff around my desk. "Here" she finishes handing me a pice of paper and a pen.

"Ugh... Fine." I write Cody a note saying I've gone out with Carrie and will be back as soon as I can. I leave the note on the counter and barely get my shoes on when Carrie is practically dragging me out of the place.

" okay." As I get in the passenger side of Carries car. "What is your great plan of what we're going to do?"

"Just sit down and buckle up." She smiles as she turns on the radio and starts to drive away.

"Carrie, can you tell me more about the crash?" I ask her hesitantly

"You sure you want to hear about it?" Voice laced with nerves.

"Yeah." I say  quietly

"You were on your way to meet Cody. Then you got in the crash. We were told you were conscious on site but on the way to the hospital in the ambulance they lost you. You almost died. You almost flatlined. Thank god you didn't. It would have broke us all. You're kinda the glue for us all, holding us together. Life was a mess without you for six months think about a life time."

A chill runs through my body.

"But hey you made it." Carrie assure me. Trying to lighten the mood slightly.

"Yeah I guess I'm a fighter."

"That is one thing you definitely are."

For a few moments the car is silent all except the small mumbles from the radio.

"Okay Carrie spill." I say changing the subject." Where are we going that takes such a long drive like the sun is setting." I say slightly annoyed at her

"Don't hate me, I got slightly sad there but we are good now." She awkwardly laughs

"Carrie!" I whine loudly.

"Sorry. But quit your whining we have arrived."

"A park? You drive me forever away to hang out at a park? Carrie we could have gone down the road from my parents place and been at a park." I say even more annoyed now.

"Trust me we had to go to this one." She smiles at me, "you'll be glad we went out of our way."

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