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"Sasha, trust me you're going to want to be at this park." She smiles slightly.

"What's so special about this one?" I ask unbuckling myself from my seat.

"You'll see now how about..."

"Carrie?" I say to her as I start to see little lights along the path of the park.

"Yeah." She says looking at me with a smile. I can tell she's up to something.

"What's up with the lights?" I ask looking back at her and pointing to the lights.

"What lights I don't know what you're talking about." She says trying to pretend she's not lying to me right now.

"Carrie." I cry.

"Oh stop complaining let's check it out it'll be an adventure." She smiles way too excitedly.

" I hate you." I say starting to get out of the car. " probably just fireflies." I get out of the car and close the door. I hear the doors lock and turn to see that Carrie had locked me out of the car. Before I can even knock on the window she pulls away. I stand dumb founded. Why would she just leave like that? She better be parking the car somewhere or something.  I stand afraid because it's getting darker, and there is no sign of Carrie. I'm going to kill her for leaving me I don't even know how to get back from here. I try to look around park and notice the lights from earlier are brighter. And not moving.

"Definitely not fireflies." I mumble to myself. I walk down the path " I hope I don't regret this." With my luck it's leading me to some murderer or something. The crunch of gravel beneath my feet in the dead silence was not comforting to me.

As I walk I can now see in the far back of the park, a gazebo type thing. I can see someone standing under it. I stop and feel my heart beat a bit fast, I debate turning back and calling my parents but, why not. Like Carrie said. Adventure. Luckily as I get closer I see that the person is .... Cody.

"Cody?" I question.

He turns around and the second he sees me his mouth curls into a smile. I walk up to him on the platform. I can't help the stupid grin that has formed on my face.

"What do you think?" He asks me I assume he means the gazebo.

"It's beautiful." And it is. Fairy lights dangle from everywhere and flower pedals are dropped everywhere. It's truly a breathtaking sight. But I don't get what's going on.

"A little like you." He says to me. I feel my cheeks go red. I advert my face from him by looking around some more at the scenery around me.

"Isn't that a bit cliche?" I almost laugh out.

"Not for my taste." He shrugs grabbing my hands.

"Cody what is this?" I finally ask, unable to figure it out on my own.

"Well I know that technically we're already dating, bust seeing that you don't remember that concept of our lives completely I thought I'd do one last try ...maybe to convince you."

"You're such a dork." I laugh at him, he's actually so silly.
He pulls on my hands slightly as He motions me to sit on the black bench with him.

"Sasha would you care for a strawberry?" He asks me letting go of my hands and taking a box off the little table placed by the bench and he sits down beside me.

"Chocolate covered?" I ask getting excited for the treat.

"But of course." He says with grace as he opens the box. I pick up one of the delightful treasures and take a bite. "Gosh I love these things." I say as I put my hand under my chin to catch falling bits of chocolate.

"So I've heard." He laughs and closes the box "Listen Sasha, I know it's been rough on you and I know how hard you've been trying to remember things, and we've made so much progress. I just thought since you don't quite remember it I'd do this over." He looks at me dead in the eyes as if he's starring straight into my soul. "Sasha McKenny will you " he say grabbing  my hand." Do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

The second those words come from his lips something in me clicks. I stare at him with blank eyes and a wondering mind. I'm so filled with emotion I don't  know what to do, cry or dance.

"Sasha, baby?" He asks me worriedly trying to reach me as if I were lost in space somewhere. "Are you okay?"

I was better then okay I was perfect." Better." I say and he remains confused. I stand up in excitement not being able to stay sitting. " I remember!" I almost yell out of pure joy.

"Remember what?" He asks, I can hear the hope in his voice. Yet I can see the confusion on his face.

"Everything! " I smile to him."Our first date, our last date, prom. Everything. The first time we ... you know." I say not as innocently as I would have days ago. "Meeting your parents, you meeting mine. Every late night beach trip and stupid car ride. I remember it all." I say as  tears of joy come to my eyes. "I remember you C, you're my one and only, my Cody. My forever and always."

"Sash! My Sasha is back!" He yells to the world and jumps up and hugs me. " I've missed you so much."

"I'm sorry it took so long." I mumble into his shoulder.

"No baby, it's okay. I got to help you along the way, and I realized how much more I care for you. I was a mess without you. You're the love of my life Sasha and I was not going to throw that away because you needed time." His words make my heart ache.

I kiss him soft but passionately, this was mine he was mine and I was his. "I'm so happy right now!" I explain as we part. Cody rests his forehead against  mine. We stand like that for a moment taking in the real fact that I'm really back.

" I love you Sasha McKemny, with all my heart no matter what."

"And I love you Cody Adkins, with all my heart no matter the situation." I smile and kiss him softly.

"Forever and always" he says

"Forever and always." I return

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