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"Carrie! " I squeal making my way to Carrie, sat at a table for lunch. "Guess who got an A on the math test that like half the class failed?" I ask her while taking a seat beside her at the table.

She looks at me tapping her chin and squinting her eyes. "Who could it be...? You maybe?" She asks a smile on her face.

I nodded vigorously,"Yup I did it! All that studying and extra tutoring totally helped."

She take a bit of her pizza slice and looks at me from the corner of her eyes." Plus your tutor was pretty cute too."

"Carrie shut up, he's like 3o something with kids." I say hitting Carrie on the arm, she has always been boy crazy even if those boys are men that are literally 15 or more years older then is.

She giggles and shrugs her shoulders at me. "I can't help it, you have to admit he is pretty cute. I mean a little older but."

"A little ? He's like double our age." I say to her in disbelief.

She shrugs again and continues her pizza,"I've always like older guys."

"Oh my gosh Carrie stop!" I yell at her and plug my ears with my fingers, so not something I want to hear. "He's basically my teacher that's so weird." I say and stomp my feet on the ground.

"It is not, only this year then anything is technically legal." She smirks, knowing I can't argue that, it's practically a fact.

I unplug my ears , "Stop, just stop." I hit her again us both falling into a fit of laughter.

We both calm down slightly before either one of us is able to say a word clearly. "Now can I have the notes from English? I missed like two entire slides." She asks me, it's a surprise I got all the slides, the English teacher talks a mile a minute as barley leaves slides up long enough to get a glance of it.

I route through my bag and pull out my English notebook. Carrie and I go through it, flipping to the pages I have that she missed getting down, and I help her get down the stuff that she missed from class. We are almost finished, after complaining about the teacher for a good five minutes, when there is a tap on my shoulder.

"Sasha?" I know that voice, the great Cody Adkins. Cute, funny guy about 5'9, I've known him for years.

I turn so that I can see him clearly. "Hey Cody what's up?" I ask him, Carrie only looking up to see who it was then getting back to her note copying.

He's stood nervously playing with his hands. "I was wondering if I could talk to you?" He says nervously, parting his hands for one another and rubbing the back of his neck.

I nod. "Sure." I say waiting for whatever he wanted to talk about. Cody kinda stares at Carrie as if wishing she weren't here. He wants to talk alone. I nudge Carrie to get the message to her.

"Ow what was that..." She looks up and looks over to Cody then looks back at me and figures it out. " oh uh.. I'll be back I have to uh.. Go to the washroom." She gets up bringing her empty paper plate with her to throw out, opening the seat for Cody and he sits down beside me.

I turn so I can see him better,"So what you want to talk about?" I ask him.

"You see, I uh... We've known each other for a long time and from the second I met you I , well , I kinda liked you, but I didn't think you liked me back so I've always held onto that feeling, I guess what I'm trying to do is uh? Do you maybe, I don't know, what to go out sometime? Sorry I totally just talked way to much." He got up fast mumbling sorry and started to walk away. I mean it was hard to hear some of it but I totally got the message.

I grabbed onto his arm and he turned back around. " I'd love to, Saturday at 8?" I ask him.

A smile spreads across his face and his eyes just light up. " I'll pick you up." He responds.

Cody left and Carrie came back confused as ever "What was this all about?" She asks me taking back her seat beside me.

I bit my lip a slight nerve to tell her, but I do anyway because she is my bestie after all. "Cody Adkins just asked me out and my friend I had to say yes." I smile to her

"Friend material Cody Adkins?" She asks still seriously confused.

"Yeah."I say flipping my hair in a snotty way making her laugh.

"Wow girl! You've finally putting yourself out there." She squeals in excitement.

"He looked so nervous I didn't want to say no" I laugh, Carrie following behind me.

She wipes a tear that escaped from her eye in her for of laughter. "So you're only going out with him because you didn't want to say no?"

Not exactly but that's not completely false, "Maybe it won't be that bad." I say grunt to convince both her and I.

We both burst into laughter again. Carrie is kinda right Cody Adkins is more of a friend kinda guy I can't see him as a boyfriend to anyone really. Poor guy is just not boyfriend material. It might be fun anyways so I'm not gonna blow him off.

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