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"Sasha! Wake up!" I hear distantly as I feel someone jump on me, waking me from my pleasant sleep. I startle up and see Carrie sitting with the biggest smile.

"Carrie, I love you." I smile and laugh," but get  off me." I try to push her off.

"You ready for a fun day?" She said finally getting off me.

"What is your definition of fun again." I ask her as I get up and look through my clothes for something to wear, I decided on simple black leggings with a daisy print flower shirt. "From the looks of what you're wearing it looks like we're going to a rodeo." I giggle at her.

"What do you mean?" She says and then revised her outfit choice in my mirror. She's wearing black shorts with little rips in them and a grey shirt with a brownish grey vest. "Okay I see your point." She says taking off the vest and stealing a black cardigan of mine that was on the corner of the mirror "There, anyways we have a full day ahead of us."

"Doing?" I continue to ask as I throw my hair into a ponytail.

"Pushy pushy, okay." She sits on the bed and makes herself at home. "First we have to get food then we are going shopping."

"Shopping?" I question. Shopping, that's so random I don't even need anything new.

She sighs, not looking me in they eyes. "We were supposed to go shopping, then you had your accident."

That's why she didn't want to look me in the eyes, she don't want to make me feel guilty, yet I still do. "Oh...I'm sorry."

She shakes her head slightly." Oh don't worry, let me save up more." She assures

"Well then, I guess we should get a move on." I grab my phone and wallet heading right to Carries car, her following close behind.

We decide to go to the local breakfast place to get some food before heading a bit to get to the mall. A little place called Homeroom, it's specialty, home cooked meals to make it feel like home.

"Can I take your order?" The waitress asks. I take a quick glance at the menu as Carrie orders her food, French toast. I can't decide on what to get because of the many things I actually want to try so I go with the same thing as her.

" Carrie?"

She takes a sip of her drink before answering,"Yeah?"

"Do I have a job? Like how can I afford to go shopping?" How did I not think of it before? I guess this is the first time I've actually needed money since I've woken up.

"Yeah you do, you actually just work at like a blogging kinda thing. You do a lot from home."

"Oh cool." I say somewhat relived, then I could start up again and not be bombarded with questions of curiosity.

"Yeah, you like it I promise. You've still got it so don't worry about that. They've been paying you on leave for however long, they love you there. Your parents said they weren't going to force you to go back until you were ready." She shrugged "thinking about it?"

I try to think and I kinda remember what I do, I'm sure if I were to go I'd know right away.

"Maybe I should go back."

"Whenever you're ready." She smiles to me giving me a feeling of balance in this crazy situation.

Our food arrives and does it look delicious, three pieces of French toast dusted with powdered sugar and drizzled with maple syrup. With side of an assortment of dress fruit. It doesn't take long for us to fall silent and devour our plates. We then hit the road to the mall once we pay and make a quick stop in the washroom.


"What do you think of this dress?" Carrie asks me stepping out of the change room. Twirling around  in a glowing green dress.

"I mean I love the style but the colour doesn't really work on you." I tell her honestly. She pouts and looks at her reflection in the mirror.

She sighs as a sign that I'm right."Yeah you're right. Maybe they have this in a different colour. Why don't you try this one on." She says picking a dress off the hanger, it was a light brown.

"What?" I don't even like brown.

"Come on. You have to try something on in this store." She says to me somewhat frustrated at my stubbornness.

"Fine. I'll try..," I look around quickly and find a simple midnight blue dress. "This." I say walking into her change room to try it on. I look in the mirror and unfortunately....It looks perfect.

"Well?" I hear Carrie yell to me from just outside the door.

I walk out of the change room and Carries eyes widen. "What do you think?" I ask standing back in front of the big mirror .

"Oh it's perfect on you." She was right. It was. It was the perfect colour. With off the shoulder sleeves but with a strap hanging on the shoulders still. It went to just above the knee. It wasn't really flowing but not to the skin either. It was a perfect fit.

"I'm getting it." I smile, unable to hide the perfection of the dress on me.

We spend the rest of the morning trying more things on. We both end up with a collection of bags and even matching sun glasses that rest a top our heads. What a pair we are, image is before my accident.

"Oh shoot." I say remember my plans with Cody.

"What?" Carrie asks confused as she finishes trying on a new pair of pink high heals.

"I have to get back I made plans with Cody." I say rushed.

She stares at me for a second the quickly puts the shoes back and grabs my hand."let's get moving then." She yells as she drags me off.

In no time we are parked outside an apartment building. It's beautiful brick all the colours of the natural brink perfectly compliment each other.

"Want me to go up with you? Remember the room number?" Carrie asks me taking me out of my catatonic state of brick admiring.

I continue to stare at the beautiful building before me. " I can manage." I tell her. I start to grab my bags.

"I can take those back to your parents house if you want?" She says pointing to my abundance of bags from the mall.

"It's okay. I don't want to put you out." I smile at her. I am tell she still wants to so I nod my head as a second conformation.

"See you later?"

"See you later." I wave as she drives away. I stand starring at the building. I hope he's home. I probably should have called first or something. I should have texted first even. Well no going back now, not like I've got a ride back to my place, then agin I can always text Carrie. I walk up to the buzzer and look for a familiar name but then the door opens.

"Hey Sasha it's been awhile back now?" An aged man says to me.

"Maybe." I say I wonder trying to not let the question be heard in my voice.

"Probably forget me, sorry about your accident. I'm the land lord. Mr.Brown. " I do kinda remember him. " here I'll take you up to your place for you." We walk up two flights and down a little hall. "Here we are." He says stoping in front of a door. To think behind that door is a whole different life that I used to have. One I've lived and don't remember.

"Thank you." I tell him

He starts to fumble with a key chain on his belt. "Want me to let you in?" He asks me.

"That's okay, but thank you." I nod to him and he flashes me a sad smile.

"See you around Sasha." He waves then makes his way back downstairs.

Behind this is my apartment, the one I share with Cody, maybe I'll walk in and everything will come flooding back. Maybe this is all I need, then everything will be back to normal once agin. I take a deep breath and close my eyes to hope. . I'm about to knock when I remember.

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