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Cody and I walk into the store, Cody holding the door open for me and following behind.  I read the names of all the flavours. Rocky road, chocolate chip, brownie explosion... coffee and cookie mix.... sounds familiar. Looks familiar too with its cream colour and light brown swirls with cookie bits mixed in.

"I remember" I whisper kinda to myself as a wave of memory hits me. It's like I'm telling myself a memory just came up.

"What was that Sash?" Cody asks me as we stand in line to order.

"Coffee and cookie mix." I say a smile beginning to grow across my face.

"What about it?" He asked looking to me.

"It's my favourite, has been since the time you picked it out for me."I smile with my face heating up. I can tell I'm blushing.

He stopes dead in his tracks and looks over to me again. "You remember?" He asks a smile threatening his lips.

"You passed with flying colours, ever since that coffee and cookie ice cream has been my favourite." I tell him. I remember thinking it was a kind of odd mix but the taste was so delightful.

"See I knew this was a good idea." he said stepping up to the counter. " Two single scoops of coffee and cookies, waffle comes please ." He says fishing his wallet out of his pocket.

I think this, between Cody and I, might work. It might take a while but I think we took a step today up the long flight of stairs. Even if that first step is just an ice cream flavour.

The guy handed us our ice cream, Cody paid and we took a seat at one of the multiple tables available. The two of us sat in silence as we ate the extremely cold ice-cream. I got a slight brain freeze but the ice cream is just so good that o couldn't stop to even deal with it, suffer through the pain, do it for the ice cream.

"Just as good as you remember?" Cody asks licking his ice cream.

"Oh yes!" I say rolling my eyes in blitz as I start to get to the cone of the ice cream, finally mixing the coffee and cookie with the waffle. So good.

"Yeah, I know. They shouldn't call it coffee and cookie mix, gives it no credit for the wonderful taste." He say also getting to his cone.

"And what should they call it then?" I ask him. I like that we can talk so easily.

"Well," he starts a glint in his eyes, he looks at me with a stupid smile. "I would call it... better then sex" he laughs eating some more of the cone and ice cream.

"Oh my gosh," I say mouth dropping open. I reach across the table and slap him on the arm. "They can't call it that kids eat here."

His laugh deepens. "Well that's what I would call it." He shrugs as we both finish off the lady's bit of ice cream and cone.

We clean up with a few napkins and head back out to Cody's car.

"Thanks for the ice cream, and the ride home." I say, words coming to me easier around him now.

"Anything anytime Sash. Now let's get you home, inside and to rest. it's probably best you rest up a bit." The rest of the ride was the most comfortable silence I've ever felt.

Once we got to my parents place I thanked Cody again and got out of the car walking around the front of the car , I look to the car and she Cody as he waves goodbye and drives out of the driveway. I make my way inside. I still need to remember a lot but I think I can do it. As long as it might take. Let's just hope I don't give up by then.

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