IV Jealous

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Song of the chapter : 'Sexy Bitch' by Akon


"He was hot though, the hottest of all the guys you've had" Kylie said and I rolled my eyes.

He I was in my boutique and it was 11 pm right now while I was arranging the clothes in every rack properly....... after getting into a heated fight with Justin.

I don't even remember how it started but it ended bad, so bad that he just walked out of my house and he isn't doing it with me anymore.

"Why are you so trippy about me having sex with my finacé Sandra, its not like we're committed!" He yelled at me.

"Remember I never forced it on you Justin...." I mumbled while playing with the tips of my hair while he paced around the room.

"Stop being a bitch will you? She is starting to doubt me, she was fucking crying over it yesterday and I can't see her like that Sandra, I love her!" He yelled again.

"Then go Justin, I never stopped you, you know you have a choice" I said.

"Why can't we just continue without any conditions?" He said.

"We can't, I'm sorry" I said and he shook his head.

"You're a selfish bitch Sandra, we're done...." He said before grabbing his jacket and leaving.

I pulled the covers under my chin and turned to my side.

He's finally gone. I smiled sadly and wiped a small tear that fell.

I saved myself again...I guess.

"You really made your plan 'Boycott-Bieber' successful right?" She said and I chuckled.

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