XXIV Nothing has changed

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I could hear Ariel, Brooklyn , Fredo's and Justin's laughs and squeals from the living room. They were all busy opening the gifts Justin and Fredo bought for Ariel and the gifts I got for Brooklyn.

They've been doing that for so long now while I'm here in the kitchen making a homemade pizza because I really don't want the kids eating a lot of junk.

I got the pizzas out of the oven and placed the two huge pizzas in plates and then put the dishes into the tray. I also added three cans of coke for me Justin and Fredo and two small terta packs of juice for the littles.

I picked the tray up and walked in the living room. When I got there, I saw Brooklyn sitting on Fredo's lap and Ariel sitting on Justin's.

They way they were smiling and laughing with each other made my heart ache.

"I smell pizza!" Fredo almost screamed when I got in front of them and I chuckled as I placed the tray down on the table in front of the couch.

"Oh my god, I needed this!" Justin said when he saw the pizza.

"Yay!!" Ariel and Brooklyn screamed in unison and everybody reached to grab their slice.

"Guys it's hot!" I warned but nobody listened to me anyways.

"Alright, burn your tongues" I said and sat down on the recliner beside the couch and grabbed a slice myself.

"Goddamn Sandra!" Fredo yelled when he took a bite.

"Best pizza ever" He added.

"Damn I missed this..." I heard Justin mumble which made me look at him but he looked away quickly.

Well I hope you missed me too.....

It was like he read my mind because he glanced at me again and gave me an awkward tight lipped smile which I returned even more awkwardly.

After everyone was done eating and drinking, I picked up the tray and walked back into the kitchen to start cleaning the dishes.

A couple of minutes later, I felt a presence beside me and I looked up to see Justin who smiled a little less awkwardly this time.

"Hey" He said and I smiled back.

"Hey" I said.

"I just wanted to talk about....uh...I mean, I feel like it's kind of a little tight between us...." He said and I turned the faucet off and wiped my hands on the napkin.

"We've met after a long time Justin....we're going to take a while till we settle" I said when I turned to him and leaned my hips against the counter.

"Yeah I know....four years, I've been counting" He chuckled and I did too.

"You still look the same though....no change at all" He said and I smiled and shrugged.

"Yeah, just that I'm a mom now" I giggled and his face slowly grew serious.

"Do you really not remember at all who he was? Not even a glimpse?" He asked and for a moment I got confused but then I remembered the lie I told him.

"No...Justin, I don't" I said and he nodded and looked down.

"I don't know if I have the right to say this or not but-

"Justin....now it's you making it feel like we're distant" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah fuck it, I don't think you should raise Ariel alone Sand I mean, she's a girl and she needs fatherly love" He said, the comeback of the pet name got my heart beating 100 miles per hour.

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