IX Time's ticking, Love's wasting

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Song of the chapter: 'Just a Little bit of your heart' by Ariana Grande.



It had been a week since we got back from Bora Bora and I was in my studio, fixing the fittings of a new dress I designed and suddenly there was a knock on the door and I heard it open.

I turned to see who it was and saw Sierra standing there with a smile.

"Hey Si!" I said and got back to fixing before quicklt removing the locet Justin gave me and stuffing it the pocket of my shorts while she sat on a chair at my table.

"Hey Sandy" She said.

"How you doing?" I asked.

"Well I'm doing really great, do you remember when I told you that me and Justin haven't had sex in like a month?" She said and I nodded.

"Yeah..." I said.

"I was starting to think that he wasn't interested in me anymore and bored from slow sex so last night, I just dressed up my best and he finally agreed and we did it hard this time and it was so good, how can I exp-----

Everything that she said after was no more audible to me and I was just frozen on the spot. He promised me he won't.....

"I'm really happy, he looked happy too" She said.

"Th-that's great" I mumbled and continued doing my work.

"I know, have to tried to contact Sean? I mean you'll exchanged numbers right?"

Your fiancé lost his wits when he saw his text in my phone which was merely a 'Hi' and deleted his number from my phone.

"No, I told you I'm not interested in him" I said.

"Aw, he's really hot though" She said.

Nothing compared to your fiancé

"Alright so I'm just gonna leave now, I got things to do since the wedding is coming closer, see you later Sandy!" She said.

"Bye" I gave her a smile and she left.

The wedding is coming closer....

I shook my head and tried to get rid of my thoughts and concentrate. But my thoughts were of Justin and they don't ever go away and it sucks.

I need to brace myself for this because I know what's coming and it's going to affect me.

I can't really blame him for having sex with Sierra though, I mean at the end of the day, no matter how many lockets he gives me, I'm just someone he uses for pleasure.

I can't go and lash out and get pissed about him having sex with her because, swallow it Sandra, she's going to be his wife in two weeks. She's going to be his WIFE.

You are nothing but a fuck buddy.

I hissed when the tears blurred my vision causing the needle to prick my finger.

"Damn it" I mumbled and put the finger in my mouth.

My heart needs to Boycott Bieber quick, because if it doesn't then it'll break more that it has broken yet.

My phone rang and I picked it up without seeing who it was.

"Hello?" I said.

"Um Sandra....this is Sean. Remember me from Bora Bora?" The voice spoke.

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