XIX Celebrations

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I faked the millionth smile of the night since the party has started and it's not even been half an hour.

My eyes kept looking back at Sandra who was sitting at the bar alone while playing with her fingers and also kept faking smiles to whoever came up to her. How did I put myself in this mess?

"So man, having a good time, congratulations though, you gon' be a dad soon" Fredo popped up beside me and I looked down.

"One Trojan was all you had to have all the time that's it" He said and I glared at me.

"She kept telling me she was on shots and we barely did it" I argued.

"Is it going to help now anyways? You should've never got married to her in first place" He said and I sighed.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna go hang with Sand" He said and walked to her.

I was about to go join them too but Mrs. Brown came up to me.

"I'm so happy for you two, I can't wait to be a grandmother!" She said and I gave her a tight lipped smile.

"There are just so many guests, we'll talk later!" She patted my arm and went away.

Well, thank god.

Again, I started heading to Sand and Fredo but Sierra pulled me back by my hand and started dragging me away.

"Where were you, I've been searching for you so long!" She said and I closed my eyes to calm myself down.

"I'm hungry right now, and I need your company while I sit here and eat" She said as she pulled me in a room and shut the door.

"Why can't you just eat it on your own?" I said wearily and she looked at me.

"I can, I just want you to be here with me that's it" She said.

"I really need a drink right now...." I shook my head and huffed and she walked back to me with a frown.

"Justin what's wrong with you? You've been acting so different lately and specifically since yesterday!" She said in a high voice and I frowned at her.

"I've been acting different? You and your family are the ones who's been too big deal out of this by setting up this party and all!" I said.

"Justin we're going to have a baby...it is a big deal!" she said.

"It's just a baby Sierra! There wasn't a need of this goddamn party! You have no idea how frustrating work is and on top of that you make me attend this stupid party!" I yelled.

"Do you not want the baby Justin?" She said in a soft voice.

"Whoa! Did I ever say that!?" I snapped.

"This is what you always do. You and your family! One small thing and it gets converted in a mountain in a while!" I said and she looked away.

"What's got into you Justin? We weren't like this before..." She said and I closed me eyes.

Sandra.....Sandra's got into me.

"I'm the way I was Si, but I need some space alright....space from you, space from all this" I said and she nodded mockingly.

"Space huh, alright, go home, I'll tem them you have a headache or something, you can go have your space!" she said and stormed out.

I actually sighed in content and rushed to Sandra.


Fredo came and ordered a wine, I was about to order one for me too but I got reminded that Sierra's not only the one who's pregnant.

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