XXV Brooke spills the beans

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I was cooking lunch in the kitchen while Fredo and Justin helped me cut the vegetables.

I was waiting for the spaghetti to get cooked when Brooklyn came into the kitchen, her feet making small thudding sounds against the wooden floor.

"Hey Brooke" I said and she smiled at me, her dirty blonde fringes almost covering her eyes.

"Ariel fell asleep on the carpet" She said.

"Oh god, she just sleeps anywhere" I said.

"I'll go tuck her in" Fredo said and left Justin with all the cutting work.

"What are you making?" She asked.

"Spaghetti, do you like it?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah...it's mine and dad's favorite. But mom doesn't make them good" Brooke blurted out innocently and earned a glare from Justin but I chuckled and picked her up and made her sit on the central counter.

"Your mom has never been good in cooking anything for that matter" I said and she giggled.

"Are you excited to start school after summer?" I asked.

"Yes! Very" She said.

"Yeah, Brooke is going to run the kindergarten" I said but she looked down at her legs that kept swinging back and forth.

"But mom has told me to be a shy and good girl and not to speak a lot to people" She said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why would she—

"When did she say this? And why didn't you tell me before?" Justin cut in quickly.

"She told me this the day I shouted at her for throwing my doll away. She scolded me a lot that day" Brooke said and an uneasy feeling took over me.

She doesn't sound happy at all talking about her mom.

"Why didn't you tell me Brooke?" Justin asked a little loudly.

"B-Because she hit me and told me that if I tell you then she'll hit me more!" Brooke suddenly started sobbing loudly and I put off the stove before going to her and hugging her.

Justin looked shocked and pained.

"Sh-she hit you?" He asked with disbelief and Brooke nodded against my chest.

"How long is this been happening?" Justin asked.

"For a while dad" Brooke said and Justin looked down.

He placed the knife of the tale and just left the kitchen and Brooke looked up at me worriedly.

"Is he angry one me?" She asked and shook my head.

"No sweetie, he's not angry one you" I said and ran my fingers through her hair.

"Do you ever hit Ariel?" She asked and my heart ached for her.

How can Sierra do this? Abusive? That to to a three year old.

"No baby, I'll never hit Ariel" I said and she nodded.

"She's lucky, you're nice" She said and I gave her a small fake smile.


"I think you should go talk to him Sand" Fredo said after I told Fredo about everything that Brooke blurted out in the kitchen a while ago.

It's been hours and Justin hasn't come out of his room.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to go do that right away" I said and he nodded before I made my way upstairs.

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