XV The beat to my Heart

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Song of the chapter: 'Be Alright' By Ariana Grande (my mom)



It was 11 pm and I was just sitting on the couch in the living while staring in space as Sierra was asleep upstairs. My mind thinking about only one person.....Sandra.

The more the days pass by the sooner I want to hold her in my arms again, hear her laugh, see her smile. It feels like a drought without her.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

I can't...I can't do this.

It's impossible for me to stay away from her. We were never really just fuck buddies. We both knew we meant something to each other from the start.

I can't run away anymore from the fact that I love Sandra, and Sierra had completely drained out of my heart.

I shook my head and stood up, I need to see Sand right now and tell her everything.

I was turning the doorknob when...

"Justin?" Sierra's voice stopped me.

"Yeah?" I turned around.

Not now....

"Where are you going so late?" She asked.

"There's an emergency at work, I'll have to go immediately" I said.

"But weren't you sleepy a while ago?" She asked.

"Yes but it's important" I said.

"Oh okay..." She said and leaned up to peck my lips.

I felt nothing...

"Bye babe" I said and left.

I drove as fast as I could to Sand's place.

The security of her lobby stared at me as I walked to the elevator, probably surprised to see me after so long.

The elevator ride felt more frustrating than ever before, it felt like ages till I reached Sandra's floor and the elevator ping never felt more relaxing.

I rushed out and took a deep breath before I rung the doorbell.

Tonight would change everything....

She opened the door after a couple of seconds, looking flawless as always in a white tank top and black boy shorts, her eyes were filled with surprise when she saw me.


I cut her off by smashing her into me and kissing her hard after stepping in and shutting the door behind me. No woman has ever had this effect on me. She makes me lose all my senses but at the same time she's the reason for my sanity.

She pulled out abruptly and shook her head while our heavy breaths fanned each other's faces.

"We....we shouldn't do this Justin, this is wrong" She said and pushed me away slightly so she got out of my grip.

"But it never feels wrong.....it never did, right?" I said and she shook her head again.

"Thing were different before Justin" She said and stormed inside the living room.

I chased her and grabbed her wrist and made her sit down on the couch. I kneeled down in front of her and held both her hands in mine.

"Jay, you're married now. You are my sister's hus—

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