XXVI Matching Eyes

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I was lying on the couch with Brooklyn and Ariel cuddles on either of my sides, watching some animated movie. Brooke had fallen asleep a while ago but Ariel was still watching while her head rested on my chest and I played with her long brunette hair that were just like her mom's.

I feel so bad for this little one and Sandra. Out of all the people in the world, god chose to put these two through this hell.

"Hey Air, are you excited for starting kindergarten after summer?" I asked and she shook her head while her eyes were still glued to the TV and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why not princess?" I asked and she looked up at me.

For a second my heart started beating so fast when I saw her eyes. They were scarily similar to mine. So similar to mine.

Could it be tha....no. If that was the case then Sand would never hide it from me.

"Because they will tease me" She said.

"Who?" I asked.

"My friends....once I went to one of my friend's birthday and they all teased me because I don't have a dad, they will tease me in school too" She said and my heart ached.

"Well then....tell them that if they tease you then Uncle Jay is going to be an angry bear to them" I said and she giggled making me smile too.

"You're such a cute little version of your mom" I said and kissed the tip of her nose.

After that she just kept staring dead into my eyes and after a while her hand came up to touch my cheek.

"Our eyes....." She mumbled.

"They match......our eyes match uncle Jay" She whispered to me with a smile and I couldn't help but smile back to her.

"I know" I said.

"Mommy knows who my dad is..." She said suddenly and my smile dropped.

"No baby, she doesn't" I said but she shook her head.

"She does, she just doesn't tell me or anyone. I think daddy broke her heart and she doesn't like him" She said and my heart rate sped up again.

'I think daddy broke her heart...'

"Wh-why do you think like this?" I asked.

"Once I saw mommy crying a lot in her bedroom, I asked her why she was crying and she said that she misses my daddy. I didn't know what missing meant that time but now I know that you can't miss a person you haven't met. Mommy has seen daddy, she knows who he is." She said and I started at her in awe and shock.

I knew it. I know Sandra knows who it is and she is just not ready to speak up.

But, as Ariel says, you can't miss a person you haven't met, and the only one who has broken Sand's heart is me.

That means....Ariel i-is mine?

Oh my god...

Or m-maybe Sand met someone else here and she...she fell in love with him.

But she promised me she won't stop loving me.

"I'll talk to mommy, you go to sleep" I said and patted Ariel's head in order to put her to sleep.

Sandra can do neither of it! She can't hid from me if we have a baby together and nor can she just forget about me and fall for someone else.

I need to talk to her...

I stood up as soon as Ariel fell asleep and rushed upstairs to Sand's bedroom.

"Sandra open the door" I knocked and a minute later she opened up while securing her robe properly.

"Hey" She said and I got in shut the door behind me.

"Did both of them sle—

"Show me Ariel's birth certificate" I said and she looked taken aback.

"Right now? Why?" She asked.

"I need to know who's Ariel's father, I know you know it" I said and she looked up at me.

"Justin if I did then why wo—

"Don't keep repeating that shit Sandra! I know you know it! It's either someone you met here....or me" I said and grabbed both her arms and I saw her eyes widen a bit when I said 'me'.

"Justin what's got into you? I don't remember his face or name....I was drunk that night, he wasn't in the room the next morning!" She said.

"Alright...okay, I accept that. But then what about these Sandra?" I said after walking to the life size photo of Sandra and Ariel that was hung on the wall in front of the bed, covering almost the whole of the tall wall and pointed at Ariel's eyes.

"Why are they just like me!?" I couldn't help but yell.

"There can be two people with hazel eyes Justin!" Her voice grew louder too and I pulled at my hair.

"Just show me the birth certificate Sandra..." I said trying to calm myself.

"I'll have to do a lot of searching for that, I'll show you tomorrow" She said and fast walked to her bed and I huffed and shook my head.

"I know you're hiding it from me Sandra....but I will find out who is Ariel's father because from whatever I've seen you in these past days and whatever Ariel has told me....I can tell that you love Ariel's father a lot" I said and stormed out of her room and the last thing I saw was her horrified and surprised face.


I have no idea what Ariel told Justin but Ariel too doesn't know about the truth.

This can't happen, Justin just can't find out that he's the dad. For one, he's going to be so mad at me but most of all, I don't want to be a family wrecker.

But Sierra's cheating on him Sand...

That's not confirmed yet!

I have to stop this.

I rushed inside my closet and to the place where I had kept all the documents related to Ariel's birth. I took the certificate out and Justin's full name was printed ahead of the column called 'Father'.

He can't find this out.

I rushed to the other side on=f the closet which belonged to Ariel and hit it under her clothes. Justin never comes here, he'll never find it here.

I hope he doesn't....




We're so close to daddy jay finding out that he is Daddy Jay and not Uncle Jay!!!!

And be ready to greet Sierra again in the next chapter :) ;)

Twitter: @RevelParkar

ASKfm: @hotlinebleeng

-Love, S

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