XX I'm leaving....

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Song of the chapter: 'Sandcastles' by Beyonce


I got myself dressed for another family dinner and decided to take a cab to Mom's house instead of my car.

I'm going to have to do this today.....I'll have to tell everyone that I'm going to New York.

But the hardest part is going to be Justin, I haven't told him yet and he's definitely going to freak out when he gets to know it.

I paid the driver when we reached there and then stepped out.

I adjusted my white body con full sleeve dress as I walked to the door. I was about to ring the doorbell when someone pulled me aside by my wrist and I gasped before a hand got placed on my mouth.

"Shh..it's me" I heard Justin whispered into my ear and I calmed down.

"What are you doing!?" I whisper yelled as he started dragging me behind the house, into the back yard.

"Trying to find a spot to fuck you" He said and Just the words caused the muscles in my groin to clench.

"What's with you being horny before family dinners?" I asked and he smirked.

"I don't know....you make me crazy that's it" He said making me smile and pulled me behind a bush and pinned me again the cold wall that marked the end of the backyard.

"Justin you need to--- mmh" He cut me off by slamming his lips on mine and pinning my hands above my head.

I felt myself get wet in a second and rubbed my thighs together.

Gosh, I'm such a whore when it comes to Justin...

"This dress was a bad idea for a family dinner with me being around miss" He said through gritted teeth and hiked up my dress.

"Purple lace?....you know it's my favorite....guess you knew what I was planning huh?" He said and I let out a wordless moan as he held my hands pinned above my head and rubbed my core through the thin fabric that was now starting to soak.

"Justin....are we seriously going to do this here?" I said and he nodded while looking at where he was rubbing me in firm strokes while biting his lip.

"Right here..." He said and leaned in to suck on my sweet spot and my back arched.

"Fuck...turn around" He said and flipped me around in one swift motion and my hands pressed against the stone wall.

He kneaded my butt in his hand before I felt his spank me and I gasped in surprise, pain and pleasure.

"Been a while right?" He said and next I felt him spank the other cheek.

I bet my fluids were now trickling down my legs....

He pulled my panties aside and rubbed I felt him rub his tip against me.

"Fast or slow?" He asked firmly.

Fast fast!

But I had to suppress the whore inside of me and keep in mind that I'm pregnant.

"Slow...fuck me slow" I breathed and he smirked.

"You wish is my command" He said before sliding his length in making me lips part wide and eyes close.

"Oh Jay...." I moaned quietly as he started moving in and out slowly.

"Fuck...this is so tight....just exactly what I needed right now" He said and I looked behind to see his head thrown back and eyes closed.

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