XVIII Burnt Down

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I was staring out of the car window blankly while Kylie drove me home from the doctor.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Congratulations Ms. Brown, you're going to have a baby!"

I don't know what to feel right now. Happy or sad.

It's obviously Justin's since I hadn't gotten with anyone else after him. But damn I....I'm pregnant.

I'm obviously glad that I'm going to be a mom soon but I don't know how Justin is going to react when I tell him tonight.

"Don't stress over it Sandy....he's going to be positive about it" Kylie said.

"But how Ky!? Even if he's positive, how will we find a way out of this? He's still married to Sierra, let's not forget that!" I said and she sighed.

"Talk with him tonight Sand, I promise he'll take care of everything." She said and I nodded while looking down.

I hope he does.

I plopped down on my bed after getting home and ran my hand over my stomach.

If only Justin wasn't married to my sister, I would've been only and only happy about this baby.

But the thing is right now, my happiness doesn't matter what matters is what Justin will think of this and how he's going to handle all this.

I shook my thoughts away and tried to be positive when my phone rang and I picked it up after seeing Sierra's name on the ID.

"Hey Si" I sighed.

"Hey Sandy! How are you?" She cooed and I smiled while placing my hand against my stomach again.

"I'm fine"

Three weeks pregnant, nice and healthy.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Well, I'm good too and we need to meet soon because I want to tell you something important" She said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Important?" I asked.

"No, I'm not telling you over the phone, we'll have to meet for that" She said.

"Okay" I said.

"Alright I'll talk to you later me and Justin are going to the—we're going out" She said.

"Okay" I said and hung up.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep into a disturbed slumber.

I only opened my eyes when the bell rang and I didn't even realized that it had gotten dark outside. I stood and fixed my hair as I walked to the door and opened it up revealing a weary Justin.

"Hey" I smiled and hugged him and he hugged back tighter as always.

I held his hand and walked him to the couch and sat him down.

"Do want something to eat or drink?" I asked.

"Just a glass of water" He sighed and I nodded before going to the kitchen.

He looked tired, maybe he's not feeling well.

But I have to tell him anyways.

I walked back to the couch with the glass of water and handed it to him.

He gulped it down in a go as I sat beside him.

"Justin...are you not well?" I asked as I placed my palm on his forehead and checked his temperature.

It was normal.

"I'm fine.....actually not" He said and removed my hand from his forehead.

"What's the matter?" I asked and he licked his lips as he weary eyes looked at me.

"I....I gotta tell you something Sand..." He said and looked.

"Well, me too" I said and felt myself blush.

"You go first though" I added quickly and he grasped my hand tightly.

He looked up at me and I saw his eyes well up with tears and I gasped.

"Jay?" I said and cupped his cheek.

His tears streamed down his face and he bit his lip to keep from sobbing.

"Everything is over Sand......everything has burnt down" He said and I looked at him in confusion.

"Wh-what does that mean?" I said as the fear seeped through all of my veins.

"Sierra.....Sierra's pregnant Sand...she's going to have my baby" He said and I gasped.

My heart stopped for a minute as my hand dropped from his face and I swallowed.

"Wh-What..." I said in disbelief and he nodded.

"We went to the doctor to confirm it....she's pregnant" He sobbed and placed his head on my shoulder while I still wasn't able to get over the shock.

M-Me too....

He looked up and me and wiped my tears away with his thumb and that's when I realized that I was crying too.

"I don't know how now....but we'll make it through this, I'm never giving up on us Sand....never" He said.

How Justin? We can never make it out of this mess. You're right....everything has burnt down.....we are burnt.

"We can't" I shook my head.

He shook his head too and pulled me in a hug.

"We can....I will get us out of this somehow baby, I won't be able to leave you" He sobbed and I fisted his t-shirt.

"You trust me right?" He asked and I nodded.

"With everything in me" I said as he stroked my hair.

"Then we'll make it....we'll make it through everything" He said and I closed my eyes tightly.

I hope....

"Did you go to the doctor today?" He asked and I swallowed before nodding.

"What happened?" He asked.

You're going to a dad for my baby too....

"Nothing.....I ate something wrong" I said and he nodded.

I cannot tell him now.....I just can't.

"Let's go get some sleep now. Your mom has kept a stupid celebration party tomorrow because Sierra is pregnant" He said and my heart cringed.

What if I would've told mom earlier about this.....would she keep a party for my baby?

Of course not...

He picked me up and walked to the bedroom and laid beside me on the bed and spooned me.

He fell asleep in a minute while nuzzling in my hair but I stayed awake throughout the night.

One thing was clear to me which was that now I have two choices. One, tell Justin about our baby or just go far away from him and everything else and start a new life with this little blessing of mine.

The second one is going to be too hard for me.


*sobs all 70% of water out of my body and shrinks*

3 stories.....Jay's got my girls pregnant in three of my stories yet!


I really want to have one....with Justin Bieber as the father

And I'm only sixteen, I have a loonnngg way to go.

Instagram: @shanparkar

Snapchat: sharannyaparkar

-Love, S

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