XXIX Where We Always Belonged

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Last chapter y'all 😿😿😿😿


My eyes read it over and over again. There were mixed emotions in my head as I read it.

Happiness.... Sadness a little bit of anger towards Scar for never telling me the truth.

But most of all sadness....she didn't tell me, I couldn't be there for her and....and my Ariel when they needed me.

I gripped the papers in my hand as I absent mindedly stepped out of the closet and placed Ariel's PJs on the bed and made my way downstairs.

I heard talking when I entered the kitchen. It was Sierra, telling Sand and Fredo that she is leaving right away because some important work has come up.

"You don't have to lie anymore Sierra, I know you are going back because you seem to miss whoever you are seeing..." I said emotionlessly and they all looked at me.

"Listen Justin-

"No...listen to me now. We don't love each other anymore Sierra. There was a time I really wanted to get married to you but it changed when I fell in love with Sandra.... I'm not saying this to taunt you, I'm telling the truth" I said and heard Sandra gasp while Sierra looked at me with a hard stare.

"Yes...me and Sandra love each other Sierra, very much. I could've divorced you early if you didn't get pregnant, but thanks for giving me such a beautiful daughter, whom you don't seem to love at all too lately. But Brooklyn's not my only daughter Sierra...." I said and Sandra's eyes widened at me. I glanced and her and then looked back at Sierra who didn't seemed to be affected a lot.

"Ariel is my daughter too....and I'm yelling this to you so late because even I didn't know about it..." I chuckled sadly and Sandra looked away and I saw tears in her eyes, Fredo came and stood by her side.

"Sand ran away from me so that I live a good life with you and Brooke. I tried Sierra, but you don't give back what me and Brooke give to you. If only knew about Ariel before I and Brooke would've left you a long ago. I'm a little late but I demand a divorce Sierra...." I inhaled deeply after that.

She stared at me for a couple of seconds before speaking.

"You're right....we've faded, and separating is the best thing. I never really wanted the kid Justin, I knew it would somehow pull us apart but I guess we both have found what we actually need. I know you'll take care of Brooklyn and Sandra....she'll will definitely be a better mother than me" She said and turned to Sandra.

"Sierra I'm so--

"Oh no no Sandy, I've always been a bitch in your life, our parent paid you heed because of me, you had to run away from Justin and hide the fact that you have a fucking daughter with him because of me. That must've been pretty hard. I'm leaving with no reverts Sandy....in fact I feel free, I've been wanting a divorce with Justin for a year now but I didn't know how to approach him....but I guess now we both have our reasons so yeah..." Sierra said.

"Goodbye, make time to come and sign the divorce papers this week" She said and just walked away like it was no big deal. Not even acknowledging Brooke who stood in the kitchen doorway.

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