XXIII And we meet again...

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-4 years later-


I felt someone playing with hair, tugging slightly, twisting and knotting and smothering.

"Mommy wake up..." I smiled when I heard Ariel's voice and fluttered my eyes open.

I saw Ariel's big honey brown eyes that were so strikingly similar to her dad that they seemed almost exactly same.

"Good morning baby bug" I said and she cuddled into me.

"Good morning mommy" She said and kissed my cheek.

"Did you sleep well sweetheart?" I asked and she nodded.

"Your phone was ringing a lot" She said and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

I stretched to reach for the phone and saw 8 missed calls from Sierra.

Oh well...

I called her up and she picked up after three rings.

"Sandy...finally" She huffed and I could hear Brooklyn and Justin laughing and screaming in the background loudly.

"Oh god just a minute....Justin and Brooklyn please lower your voices for a minute!" She shouted and I tore the phone away from my ear a little before putting it back.

Si's got a loud voice....

"Why were you calling?" I asked.

"yeah, Justin and Brooklyn want to on a vacation for sometime and I can't go with them because I'm busy at work and since Brooklyn has been wanting to meet you and Ariel for a while, I suggested them to come to you and have a long stay at your place, I hope that's okay with you" She said and my eyes widened.

"J-Justin and Brooklyn are coming here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I actually even booked their flight assuming you'd be fine with it; they're coming there tomorrow" She said.

"Oh....o-okay t-that's great" I said; my heart pounding fast in my chest.

"I wish I could come too because I haven't seen you in years! And I too wanted to meet Ariel but the work's tight" She said.

"That's sad; we'll meet sometime later" I said.

"Sure, talk to you later, bye" She said.

"Bye" I hung up.

"Who's coming here mommy?" Ariel asked excitedly and I gave her a small fake smile.

"U-Uncle Justin and Brooklyn are coming here tomorrow" I said and her eyes lit up.

"Yay! I'm finally going to meet them! I'm going to thank Uncle Justin for all the gifts he always sends me, they're the best" She said and I shot her a tight lipped smile.

"Go get showered bubs" I said and she nodded and ran into the shower.

I can't believe this is happening....

I've doing anything and everything to avoid Justin for the past four years and now I can't do anything....

He'd keep calling me all the time saying he wanted to come here to meet Ariel but I always denied him so he'd send gifts for her and talk to her on phone.

It would always crush my heart whenever I'd hear them talking because even though they haven't met, they've grown so close over the phone.

And now I'm completely helpless, I can't do anything to stop this.

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