XXII Emptiness

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-5 months later-


I was sitting on the bed of my brand new apartment in NYC that mom bought for me five months ago when I moved in here.

Everything was going on good, I was getting a more than just good pay from this partnership.

My job was simple; design clothes for them. That was all.

And eventually, I'll open my own fashion line. It was surprising for me how quick I had gotten so famous in the fashion world already.

Even baby bug is going good.

Today, the doctor told me that it's a girl and I'm more than just happy.

But now it was time to call Justin. We call each other once in every month; just to check.

Initially we'd call each other every week but that slowly reduced. Guess he's doing good with Sierra.

But this time, the call would be different. I'm going to tell him that I'm pregnant; of course not tell him who's the father but I can't just suddenly call him when the baby's out and tell him that I'm a mother now.

I bit my lip as I took my phone and called him up.

He took too long to pick up.

"Hey Sand" I closed my eyes and smiled when I heard his voice.

"Hey Justin" I said.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine; what about you" I asked.

"Good too" He said.

"How's Sierra?" I asked.

"She's fine; she's doing really good and so is the baby" He said and I could see him smiling on the other side.

"Good....I....I have to tell you something Justin" I said and there was a long pause.

"I get it; you're dating—

"What! No!" I cut him off.

"Oh...my bad. What's it?" He asked and I sucked a deep breath in.

"I'm five months pregnant with a baby girl" I said and heard him laugh.

"Sand come on; that prank is too la—

"It's not a prank Justin; I really am pregnant" I said and he stopped laughing.

"Wh-who?" He asked monotonously.

Time for my lame story. Fredo will probably laugh his ass off when Justin tells him this.

"I don't know..." I said.


"I didn't take my shots before coming here and Gabriel threw me a welcome party where I got really really very drunk. The next morning, I woke up in an empty hotel room; naked and no one was there, I don't remember anything" I said.

Nice move Sand...

"What the actual fuck Sandra! And you're telling this to me five months later!? You're all alone there! I'm coming to see you right away" He said in a hurry.

"Justin; as much as I'd like that, I'm fine, I'm doing really good. And I'm not alone, I have a lot of friends here" I said.

"Shut up Sand" He said and I could tell he was pissed.

"I can't believe this, tell me this is not a prank for real" He said and I chuckled.

"It's not, should I send you a photo of my baby bump?" I said and looked down at it.

"That's the first thing you'll do after the call ends" He said and I giggled.

"But Sand, you can't do this alone, you need someo—

"I've come so far Justin, I know I can do this" I said and he sighed heavily.

"You really don't want me to come there?" He asked.

"I do but I don't think I can handle seeing you go again" I said and there was a pause.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm really happy with Sierra now; things have gotten back to how they were before I met you but there's still a place that belongs to only you and you in my heart Sand" He said and I shut my eyes tight as the tears streamed down.

"Th-That's great" I said.

"Don't ignore the second part of what I said Sand; don't do that" He said and I wiped my tears away.

"I'll call you next month Justin" I said.

"Sandra don't" He warned.

"I love you" I said.

"Sand ple—

I hung up.....

I sighed and stood up. I wiped my face clean was walked into the kitchen to make me some dinner.


"So Sandy called me today and told me she's pregnant" I heard Mrs. Brown say to Sierra while they sat beside me on the couch as I typed away on my laptop.

"Five months" Sierra added.

Also, it's a girl.

I added mentally.

"I'm happy but sad at the same time" Mrs. Brown said.

Think about what I'm going through....

I'm a thousand times more happier than Mrs. Brown and a thousand times sadder than her.

Happy because I know Sand is happy that she's having a baby and at least she won't be lonely anymore; happy because finally there will be a girl in this world who can compare to Sand after four months.

Sad? Sad because I'm not able to share the happiness with her.

This isn't how I imagined our future to be.

I was supposed to be the father to Sand's baby and not some filthy drunkard.

But I guess Sand's right.....we are never meant to be.

A lot of things have changed in these five months that she's been gone. I can finally tell Si that I love her without being guilty. Be happy that I'm going to be a dad without being guilty.

But I don't know what to do of this empty feeling right in the bottom of my heart. It years for Sandra but I just can't reach for her.

I guess I have to continue like this for the rest of my life.

Maybe after sometime, this empty feeling would go away.

But who knows what the future holds....

I'll still keep some hope.


Ya'll have mistaken 'phase 2' for a sequel.

I didn't mean that.

'phase 2' means a whole different part (plot) of the story.


Guess how?

We'll be fast forwarding ahead from the day in this chapter to 4 years later.


Instagram: @hotlinebleeng

-Love, S

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