XVII Family Dinner

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Song of the chapter: 'Back to sleep Remix' by Chris Brown ft Usher and Zayn



Me and Sierra had reached the restaurant where our family dinner was supposed to take place before anyone else. I was on my way to the restroom when I saw Sandra arrive and the way she looked so alluring in that simple beige colored, full sleeve body con dress and thing high matching boots forced me to pull her into the restroom with me.

"Justin you're not being serious right now" She said and I picked her up and sat her down on the counter of the sink.

"I'm completely serious right now" I said through gritted teeth before smashing my lips on hers causing her to moan.

"Mmmrg!" She moaned in my mouth when I groped her boobs together firmly.

I kissed down her jaw and neck till I reached her sweet spot and started sucking on it causing her to fist my hair and arch her back.

My hands that were roaming on her things, creped inside her dress making me hiss when I ran my thumb over her sex which was covered with a thin lacy, now soaking wet fabric and she shivered.

I smirked against her skin when a mischievous idea ran through my mind. Without giving it a second thought, I tucked my fingers in her panties and pulled them off her.

"Justin what!?" she said in disbelief as I stood in front of her while smirking and spinning her panties on my finger.

"I'll be keeping them with me tonight...." I said and stuffed the lace material inside the pocket of dress pants.

"Justin stop kidding me and give my panties back" She warned.

"Who said I'm kidding? You better sit beside me" I said and with that I walked leaving her startled.

The parents had already arrived and Sierra sat across me, keeping the chair beside me vacant for Sand.

Soon she returned to and I secretly winked at her when she sat down beside me and pulled her chair closer to mine by its leg.

"I hope you don't have anything stupid in your mind" She mumbled to me and I smirked again.

"You can't really call it stupid but it's sure as hell risky" I said and she glared at me.

The parents started talking with me and Sierra while the food was being served and my hand reached under the table and got placed on Sandra's thigh.

She gasped softly when I squeezed it and I bit the insides of my cheek to keep from smiling.

I looked at her from the corner of my eyes and saw her swallow as my hand hiked up her dress and parted her thighs a little.

"Justin don't" she warned but I didn't stop and cupped her sex possessively and she sucked a deep, sharp breath making me bite my lip at how wet she was.

One of her hand came down and gripped my wrist but that failed to stop me from rubbing her in slow firm circles.

"So Sandra, I've heard that your boutique is doing really good" Mr. Brown said to her and she nodded while swallowing.

"Y-yeah, better than it has ever been" She said breathily and I smirked to myself.

"That's good" He said.

And with that the attention from Sandra was gone and I quickly slipped my middle finger and ring finger inside her and saw her grip the edge of the table tightly.

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