A Mother. No a Sister's duty

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Everyone in Damian's school we're excited to give their mother's a day to relax and enjoy themselves. The school invited all mothers to attend. The only problem was Damian didn't have a mother. Well technically he did but she disowned him and then got his evil clone to stick a knife through him so there was no way he would invite her to a treat day.

All the kids in Damian's grade raced around the gym helping teachers fixing decorations, preparing food and fixing seats. Everyone except Damian had a mom it had felt like. As if he hadn't felt bad enough, mothers came in and children screamed and ran to their mothers. Damian looked down and a hand touched his shoulder. His initial instinct was to beat the owner senseless but then he remembered where he was. He looked up and saw Cassandra Cain- Wayne. She gave him a nervous smile.

"Cain. What're you doing here?"
"Bruce and the others were talking about how you would be in school while everyone would be celebrating mothers and you don't have one. Stephanie was going to come but I knew you would prefer she wouldn't"
Damian gave her a small nod of thanks.
"So. Um, what're we supposed to do?"
Damian just shrugs. He walks over to the snack table and Cass follows.

Not even half an hour later they get bored and leave. Damian and Cass sit outside in the car park snacking on chips.
"Thank you."

The next day Damian was in class and the teacher had complimented his 'mother' by saying how young and beautiful she is but Damian just gave a small smile and replied.
"That's my sister"

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