Damian's Little Copy

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It had been a month since Irey and Damian were out of the hospital. Since then Kid Flash hasn't made an appearance but Batman and Red Bird have. Damian and Irey were always exhausted with little Marty (her new nickname)
Bruce had gathered the family together to watch football and they all sat in his large living room. Bruce, Dick, Jason and Cassandra on the sofa with Tim on the chair and Steph on his knee. It was Starfire's turn to mind Mar'i so Tim and Steph got Starfire to babysit for them.

"Here comes the wings!"
Irey yelled as she walked in and set the tray of chicken wings on the table.
"Where's little Marty?"
Steph asked. Ever since Martha came home from the hospital Steph wouldn't leave the poor kid bee. Even going so far as to buy her a baby grow with 'my aunt Steph kicks ass!' And every time Steph comes over they put it on her to keep her quite.

"D has her"
"Diaper change?"
Tim asked.
Tim smirked and raised an eyebrow.
"Rock, paper scissors?"
"Paper always beats rock"
She took a seat on the chair beside Bruce. Damian walks in with Martha strapped to his chest in one of those baby chest things (I don't know what it's called XD)

Jason spit his beer out of his mouth and laughed.
"This is too good! Damian Wayne. The great son of Batman having a baby strapped to his chest!"
Irey smirked.
"I think it's sexy"
"No PDA!"
Dick calls out.
Damian sits down on the chair next to Irey.
"Since she's a speedster her first word will come sooner than a normal kids"
Tim states and Damian nods.
"Can you say uncle Dick?"
Dick leans over and taps her nose lightly.
"More like her uncle is a Dick"
Jason grunted.
"I bet her first word is 'I'll drive!"
Stephanie snorts with laughter.
(This is a reference to any Batman movie Damian's ever been in)
"I stopped saying that when I got my licence"
Damian glared.
"D-Dick is a Dick!"
Marty giggled. Everyone laughed but Dick and Damian.
"Jason! You made her call me a dick!"
Dick whined and Jason laughed harder.
"I'm Batman!"
Everyone chuckled at her and Bruce blushed.

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