*Chapter 3*

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I couldn't move. I knew there was something off about him....but a criminal? But what kind of criminal? Oh what the heck Shay! A criminal is a criminal! It doesn't matter if he stole from a convenient store or killed a million people, he's still a criminal.

"W-What?" I finally managed to say.

"I say you must have the guts-"

"I know what you said." I cut him off, annoyed.

"Then why did you ask again?" He smirked at me while he placed his hand on mine.

I sighed, "Really?" I moved my hand away and placed it in my lap.


"Are you really a criminal?"

"Mhmm." He rolled his eyes and we pulled up to this small burger joint. It was one of my childhood favorites. He turned off the car and looked at me.

"I was in a gang, I was forced to because my brother died. He was the leader. Another gang, which was our rivals, killed him. So that's when I stepped in. I was angry. I killed everyone of those bastards, and maybe a few other people, but that's when I quit. Then the boys came and tried to kill me, because you know, you just can't quit a gang. Then I killed all of them too. I went to jail, got out, and was forced to get an education."

I was in shock mode, he just spilled out his past to me, but I didn't even ask. And what really got me was everything that happened to him.

"I-I'm sorry." I really didn't know what to say.

"Don't be." He snapped. He stepped out the car and I did the same. Well then, someone's bipolar. We walked into the place and sat down at a clean booth.

"So why don't you tell me about yourself?" Jason asks like nothing happened a few minutes ago.

"My name is Shay."

"Obviously." He smirked. Ok, what is up with him and smirking?

"I'm seventeen years old. I live with my mom and dad. I'm the only child. I have no pets. I'm single, and the girl who wouldn't stop staring at you today in World History is Jessica, my best friend."

He laughed, "Yeah, I could tell. And that other girl?"

"Which one? The one that was drooling over you or the one who was staring at you the whole class period or the one who-"

"Ok I get it, a lot of girls were fantasizing about me, including you." He winked.

"You wish." I rolled my eyes but smiled. "No but really, who was that girl that was trying to talk to me, but failed miserably?" I laughed at who he was talking about. "Oh, Bianca. Ugh." I rolled my eyes again.

"Yeah her. Are you going to that party?"

"Alyssa's? Maybe." I'm not really sure if I want to go, she's not my real friend, only Jessica's.

After that talk our food came and we ate. Jason kept giving me strange looks. Is he trying to flirt with me? Because I don't know what flirting is to be honest. I don't flirt with boys much; actually I don't flirt at all.

"What?" I asked after we finished our food and went back to his car. "Nothing, it's just that you're really pretty."

I blushed, "Thank you, you are too." Wait...

I blushed again. "Wow, no one has ever said that to me." He said sarcastically then smirked.


"I guess we can go back to school, eh?" I said as I reached for his radio. "No, are you serious?" He laughed and slapped my hand away from the radio.

"I don't think you want to do that."

"Why not?" I said as I reached for his radio again and turned it on. I couldn't understand what the music was saying because it was so loud!

"Oww! Turn it down!" I said as I screamed and put my hands over my ears.

Jason turned it off and laughed, "I told you so."

We pulled up to the school parking lot. "Wait, I thought we weren't coming back here?" I said, confusion filling my face.

"To get your car." He simply said. This boy....makes me think a lot. He's different.

"Ok then."

"Go get your car and follow me." I got out the car and walked towards mine.

I started to think, Jason doesn't seem like a criminal, but I only known him for a day, but I can't judge him. He seems like a nice person....for now.

Before I got in my car, a hand stopped me from moving forward. I looked up and saw Justin.

"What!?" I snapped, already annoyed with him.

"You been with him haven't you?"

"Why?" I asked, already know his little speech he's about to give me.

"Yeah you have, I saw you get out of that car with him."

"Yeah, so? I hung out with him! You know, he's actually a nice guy!" I defended Jason. Justin has been getting on my nerves.

"Yeah, but you don't know what he did!"

"Really? Well why don't you tell me." I'm getting real tired of his shit. He grabbed my by my shoulders and looked at me dead in the eye.

"That's my car he stole!" Justin shouted.

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