*Chapter 18*

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A look inside of Steven & Daniel's business.....are you ready for what's going to be revealed?


"Dude, that's the girl."

"I know, that's why I brought you here, dumbass." Steven said as he looked up at the top of the stairs to make sure none of the girls were coming back down. He had to keep his conversation down with Daniel, or else, Shay would be mighty suspicious of them both. That can't happen, for sure. His sister already told him that she's been a little suspicious lately.

Probably because of that dumbass, Jason McCann.

"So, what exactly is the plan again? I forgot." Daniel said as he looked over at Steven confused.

A shocked expression shot across Steven's face. "Dude! If I have to explain this one more time to your forgetfull ass, I swear I will blow you up!"

"Sorry! You know I have shot term memory."

Steven rolled his eyes at Daniel's stupidity, "Only when you want to have it."

"And by the way," He said as he trailed off, having a thought come to his head all of a sudden, "Why was Shay acting like that when she saw you?"

"Oh, well because..." Daniel trailed off wondering if he should tell Steven about the encounter with Jason and Shay that day at Justin's house.

"I know that look, you better not lie to me." Steven demanded, glaring at him. Daniel sighed and spilled what happened that day, not leaving out a single detail.

"And he chased me for a while until I hid under a car."

Steven still glared at him, How stupid could he be? He thought.

Steven's P.O.V.

"You're a dumbass for laying under a car."

"How else was I going to get away from McCann?!"

Jason never gave up on anything on his life; that started when his brother went to jail. He was determined that he would get his brother out, but you know, what's more fun than messing up his whole plan?

McCann and I go way back. Actually, his brother and I. We were enemies ever since the playground days. We would always have a competition on who was the best - you know, what boys do. Childish, I know. Anyway, it carried out throughout high school.

It got so serious that we even had our own gangs, of course rivals. I pulled this stunt on Alex, Jason's brother, which got him 10 years in jail.

It was obvious that I had won.

So you're probably thinking, 'Why Jason?' and 'What happened to his brother in jail?'

Well, you see, we blew up the jail.

How we didn't get caught, well, my gang and I have been doing this for years.

The bomb obviously killed some people, including Alex, and all the evidence was leading up to Jason, thanks to my friend, Allyson. She's real good at putting evidence on people.

But the bitch didn't get caught for it. Stupid detectives.

And he's smart because he got back at us and killed one of the gang members, which was one of his members in his gang. His 'gang' all left him at some point of all of this and came with my crew. I guess they finally came to their senses at who was better.

So, it was our time to strike back at him, and you know what's my plan now? My target?

His little obsession at the moment, Shay. Thanks to my sister for pointing that our for me.

"Oh this is perfect." I sighed in happiness.

"I know. So, what's the plan again?" Daniel said, sipping on some beer in a can.

I sighed again, but in annoyance, Can someone kill this guy now? Shit!


What do you think about that? I finally revealed some things to you guys! Ohhh! Now you know some things about Jason, his brother Alex, and Steven's gang! :O

Now all you have to know is Jason's side to the story!

And we got some backstabbers! And I also foreshadowed something too...


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