*Chapter 29*

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I stopped what I was doing and looked in his brown eyes. He stood in the doorway with a small smile on his face. "How are you? I've been worried sick about you." He asked and commented sincerely, making his way over to me. I said nothing as I still stared at him.

Jason started rubbing the arm that my wound was in and took in a sharp breath. "It doesn't look too bad."

I snored, "It looks bad enough." I moved my arm away from him, making sure I didn't move it too fast so it wouldn't start hurting. He furrowed his eyebrows at my action. "What's up with you?"

What the fuck!? I'm pretty sure if he was in my shoes that he wouldn't be all happy and in the greatest mood in the world. I witnessed him murder people and I got shot. That's not something to be happy about!

"I'm fucking hurting, okay?!"

"Well I'm sorry, okay? It's not my fault that you're in here. I tried to help you."

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Everything that's been going on is because of you! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be laying here in this damn unconfortable bed in the worst pain I've ever had! It's all on you!"

"Shut up!" He screamed and I felt a sting on my cheek. Everything sort of stopped. There was no noise. I couldn't hear the tv that was still playing Christmas specials, I couldn't hear anyone's footsteps pass by in the hallway, and I couldn't even hear the beeping noise coming from the monitor besides the bed.

I could only her my voice and Jason's voice.

I stayed slient as I glared at him. I gave him the most threatening and deadly looking glare that I could give him. He hurt me, mentally and physically.

He just slapped me!

"Get the hell out. Now! Or else." I warned him. If he thinks that it's okay to hit on a girl then I didn't want him to be my boyfriend anymore.

"I'm sorry Shay. I'm so sorry."

"Get out."

"But I love you!" I sniffed and tears came out of my eyes. I loved him too but I just can't deal with him anymore. He's too dangerous for me. I should have listened to Justin. "Just go." My voice was becoming horse.

"Don't you love me back? I know you do becasue we've been through a lot. You just can't let that go to waste, right?"

"Jason, leave."

"So you don't love me?"

I turned away and didn't answer his question. I tried to pay attention to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer trying to fly on tv. I tired to pay attention to what the televison was saying, but Jason stood in front of me.

"You love someone else huh? It's Justin isn't it?"

I ignored him as I turned the other way.

"You tell Justin that he better watch out. He has another thing coming when he messes with what's mine."

Then he walked out the room leaving me in complete shock.

"Hey sweetie," My mom walked in the room with a tray of hospital cafeteria food. Dad walked in behind her with two trays in his hand. "We brought you food! We had to hurry because the cafeteria was closing, so I just picked up what I can. There's broc-

"I'm not hungry." I cut her off.

"Oh, but Shay, you just woke up from a three day slumber. You need to fill your stomach."

"Can I do that after taking a nap? I'm tired." I blinked, looking away. I didn't want them to see what was probably my red eyes from crying. I just wanted them to leave me alone. They exchanged confused glances and looked back and me.

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