Chapter One

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Elaina's POV

I just moved to England with my mother. She agreed to let me live with her. I used to live my father in America, to get away from my mum. My father got custody of me when they divorced. He somehow showed that he can take better "care" for me. All he did was drink and abused me. My past isn't so well. I never told anyone because i was scared nobody would like me after i tell them. Maybe they'd think i'm a freak.. yeah they would. So i moved with my mum, finally. She was overjoyed that i was coming to live with her.

"I'm so happy you decided to come live with me, I never knew how your father even got custody of you" My mother said. I don't call him my father anymore. He's a poor excuse of a dad. I hate him. He abused my mother and me. He did much more.. i just rather not speak about it.

"I'm happy too, i don't ever want to go back" I told her. "Well you should get to bed, you have school tomorrow" My mum said. I start college tomorrow, i completely forgot. I nodded and went up to my room. I really don't want to go to school, the reason is i used to be bullied back in America. No one really liked me and they would make fun of my accent. Hopefully it's different here.

* * * * * *

Morning finally came around. I got up and got ready for school. I combed my wavy hair. I put on a black top with Ramones on it. I put dark ripped jeans and black converse. I'm not much of a girly girl as i used to be. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to greet my mum.

"Good morning Elaina, have a good day at college" My mum smiled.

"Bye mum!" I said and got into my car. I drove to this college in which i had no idea what it was called. I didn't care though, really. I arrived at the high school, it seemed kinda big. I parked my car and got out. I guess i have to go through the office of the school first.

I walked into the office to the lady with blonde hair and glasses. "Hi i'm new here, i need my classes" I told her. She chewed her gum and typed on the computer. "Name?" She asked. "Elaina Pimental" i answered. I know stupid last name. She printed out a paper "Here, your first class is down the hall" she said.

I took the paper and walked out of the office. She said it was down the hall. I turn to get to my class and i accidently bump into someone.

"Oh i'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. "That's okay" He smiled. He had the perfect smile. Blue eyes, blonde quiff, he looks perfect.

"What's your name? You look new" He asked.

"Oh um i'm Elaina.. and you?" i stuttered a bit. I stutter a lot when i get nervous. No wonder why i never present things in front of people.

"Niall, Niall Horan" He grinned. "Niall! Let's go we're going to be late to class!" One of his friends with curly hair and a quiff in the front said. "I gotta go, see ya around" Niall told me. I nodded and walked to my class.

Wow not bad for my first day. My first class was Literature, ugh. I hated it, i never liked it once. It's my worst subject.

I walked inside the classroom, everyone in the class looked at me. I got nervous again, they looked at me like i killed someone. "Hi you must be new here, i'm Ms. Garcia. You may sit with the boy over there" Ms. Garcia pointed out. "Oh what is your name?" She asked.

"Elaina Pimental" I answered. "Okay Elaina, you may go sit" She smiled at me. I walked over to my desk. I sat next to a boy who had a black quiff and tan skin. He was wearing a batman shirt with dark blue jeans. "Hi i'm Zayn, and you?" He asked. "Oh, i'm Elaina" I smiled. I probably said my name three times already.

"Nice to meet you El, come hang out with my friends sometime ok?" He winked. I nodded, not saying anything more. I don't even know him. I'm not used to hanging out with people. I didn't have much friends. And i have none here since i'm new in this place. I'm the shy type. Plus, i have problems with myself. I don't need anyone adding more to it.

Class finishes pretty quick. Ms. Garcia gave us a free day. I walked out of the class. Let's see, i have History next. I started walking and i got pushed to a locker. "Watch it, clumsy" A girl said, im assuming one of the populars considering the people around her. This is going to be a long day.


I finish all my classes. I haven't seen Niall or Zayn for the rest of the day. I got pushed a lot while walking through the hallways. Some people gave me a bad attitude. Rude. But i'm used to it already. I walk out of the school, finally it's over. I know no one and basically had a bad day. I almost reach my car, but someone called my name.

"Hey El!" Zayn yelled out my name. I turn around and see Zayn and four of his other friends. I see a blonde haired guy, i'm guessing it's the guy i bumped into at the hallway, Niall. I walk over to them, "Hi Zayn" i smiled. "Elaina this is Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall" Zayn introduced his friends.

"Oh you're the girl i bumped into in the hallway right?" Niall asked.

I nodded "Yeah, Niall right?" I asked. I'm so stupid, Zayn just introduced him. He nodded.

"How did you and Zayn meet?" Niall asked. "I'm in her Literature class" Zayn said before i can even open my mouth.

"So Elaina, where did you come from?" Liam, i'm guessing, asked me. "Oh I came from California in America" I answered.

"Wait so you have a british accent, yet you lived in America?" Harry asked. I nodded "My mother is from here, i live with her now" I told him.

"What about your dad?" Louis asked, i cringe at that question. I'm not usually comfortable about questions about my personal life or about my family. "Um..i rather not talk about it" I muttered.

Louis nodded. "I should go, my mother must be waiting for me" I told them, trying to leave. "Oh before you go, give me your number so we can text" Niall said. We exchanged numbers and i went to my car. I drove back home.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" My mum asked. So many questions today. "Um good, i made a couple of friends" I answered her.

"That's great! Dinner will be ready soon" She smiled at me. She knew how much i went through. I like her way better than my dad.

I went upstairs to my room and changed into sweats and a band t-shirt. I plopped down on my bed, hoping i don't have to go back to that high school. It's absolutely horrible. I shed a few tears, is my life ever going to get better? Maybe not. After shedding some tears i fall to sleep.


Yay the first chapter is finished! Please let me know if you like it! I worked really hard on this chapter :) x (Tell me if i should continue or not please, i would really appreciate it)

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