Chapter Twenty-One

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Elaina's POV

"Welcome back sweetheart" i woke up in an empty room, laying on the cold floor.

"i'm glad you're awake sweetie" i know that voice.. where the hell am i? I look up and my father is standing right in front of me, smiling.

"What am i doing here" i asked terrified.

"You're with me now, there's no way anyone can take you away from me now"

"No! No no no, where's niall?!"

"Niall? Baby there is no Niall. Just you and me"


"i'm afraid i can't do that" my father chuckled. He walked closer to me and i tried to move back but i couldn't. I felt glued to the floor and I can't get out. I didn't move, i just stared at my father walking towards me.

"It's just us now.." he whispered in my ear as he bent down. His hand traveled around my body and all i could do was scream.

"Baby? Baby! Wake up!"

"Huh, what- where am i?"

"Eli, you were having a bad dream" Niall said, worried. I looked around and i was in my room. It was just a dream?

"Why were you screaming?" Niall asked.

"Bad dream i guess.."

"Tell me about it"

"Uh i don't wanna talk about it, i'll tell you another time". Niall nodded and laid down with me, his arms wrapping around me protectively. I sighed in relief, thank god it was just a dream. It felt so real. Why can't i stop having these nightmares..

I look up at Niall and he seems to be thinking of something. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Niall, is everything okay?" i asked him. He looked at me, caressing my hair

"Just thinking babe"

"Thinking about what?"

"Us, and what would happen if my dad found me here"

"He's not gonna find you, i will do everything to make sure of that"

"You can't. He's a smart guy. You won't be able to stop him. He'll kill if he has to. And i'm not taking that risk of you getting hurt" Niall told me..

"I want to protect you"

"I know you do babe, but you can't for long. He's gonna find me i know it. I just don't know how long it will be till then"

"Then why don't we go somewhere else?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"i mean, let's get away from here"

"No we can't do that. You have your mom, your friends, and school. You can't give that up for me. And i'm sure as hell not gonna leave without you. I'll be safe, well i'll try to be"

I just nodded. I don't know how but i'm going to protect him. It's stupid but i can't let him get hurt again. I need to figure a way to keep him safe.

*Next Day*

I woke up at 6 am, Niall is still sleeping next to me. What day is it? i checked my phone and it was Wednesday (a/n: sorry guys i forgot what day i left off so just pretend ok and instead of high school i changed it to college) Shit i got school. I shook Niall until he woke up. "Whaaat?" He groaned as he woke up.

"We got school, you lazy ass" I said hitting him with a pillow.

"Alright alright shit i'm getting up"

We both got ready in about 20 minutes, Niall wore a white shirt with jeans and chucks. I wore a pink jumper, leggings, and boots. I straightened my hair and Niall had it up in a quiff like usual.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked

"Yeah i just have to get my bag" I replied, looking for my bag. I finally found it under the bed and Niall and I got into the car and drove to the school.

We arrived at the school on time.

"Oh cool we're not late or absent" Niall joked

"Shut up Niall" i playfully hit him and got out the car. Niall put his arm around me as we walked. I could see Haley and her friends glaring at us from the corner of my eye. But I could really care less, i'm happy Niall is with me.

Niall dropped me off at class, "I'll see you later babe" He kissed me and left to his class. I stood there smiling for a few seconds and went inside my class. I wonder when he's gonna ask me to be his official girlfriend.

I walked into my maths class and Zayn was sitting by my desk as usual.

"Hey El, i haven't seen you in a while. What's up?" Zayn spoke to me.

"Oh not much, just been staying home lately and catching up on sleep. Nothing major" I replied. I said that because i don't think Niall would appreciate me telling his friends we slept together.

Maths class ended. I grabbed my books and walked out of class, and suddenly i bumped into somebody and dropped my books.

"Watch where you're fucking going" and of course, it was Haley.

"Oh sorry.." I mumbled.

"You better be, and how many times do i have to say stay away from Niall. He's mine. We already went on dates and he's planning to ask me to be his girlfriend. Yesterday he took me to the most beautiful café" Haley said, i knew she was lying because Niall was with me every single day since he moved in, but i decided to play along.

"That's amazing Haley, but i could really care less"

"Oh shut up, i know you have a crush on him"

And i also slept with him and made out with him, but you'll never know.

"If that was the case, I would have been arguing at the moment about how he's mine. But since that's not the case, i don't really care" I simply said.

"Whatever, stay away from him" Haley said angrily and left.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my books. That girl will never give up will she? I wonder where Niall is now. He's probably going to his other classes. Sometimes i wish i could be with him every single second of the day, but that would make me look crazy and obsessed. I'm trying to show that i am a patient nice girl, not some crazy obsessed girl who has a huge crush. That's probably what Haley thinks.

I went to my next class and hoped this day will run smoothly so I can go home and be with Niall.


Hi guys! I finally updated!! Sorry it's been so long, things have been happening. I hope you liked this chapter! Bye 💟

-Nat xo

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