Chapter Fourteen

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Niall's POV

I woke up on the floor with a huge headache. I stared at the ceiling trying to figure out what happened. Oh yeah that's right, my dad knocked me out. Shit, Elaina was there. I hope she didn't get hurt. My body hurt, i guess it was from the impact of me falling to the ground really hard. I can't imagine what Elaina feels like right now. What if my dad did something to her? I looked at my phone, should i call her?

I grabbed my phone and dialed Elaina's number. After a couple of rings she answered


"Elaina, thank god you're okay!"

"Of course i'm okay! Why are you worried about me, i should be asking you if you're okay!" Elaina exclaimed through the phone.

"Sorry i thought my dad did something bad to you"

She didn't answer for a few seconds. "Niall i'm fine, i just want to make sure you're okay"

"I'm okay, just a little headache. Please don't tell anyone this or my dad will.. well you know" i told her

"I know, he kind of..."

"What did he do to you?" i asked, slightly angered

"Niall calm down, he just warned me not to say anything or he will hurt you... badly"

I sighed "i'm going to be okay, i'll see you on Monday"


After that she hung up. Honestly i thought she would call the cops like any other girl would do even if someone threatened her. But I could tell Elaina was scared for her life. I have to do something about my dad or someone else will end up finding out. I can't deal with my life like this. Not anymore. But i don't know what i could do.

I got up slowly, i was still on the living room floor. I guess my dad left me here. I look around and i don't see him. I walk upstairs slowly and creep into his room. There he is asleep with a beer can in his hand. Right now would be a good time to pack my stuff and run but i'm not stupid. He'd hunt me down until the end of time. I walk into my room, slowly getting into bed. My body still hurt so i wasn't trying to make the pain worse.

My phone vibrated, i took it out and looked at it. It was a text from Louis.

Louis: there's a party tonight, you comin'?

Should I go? I mean, i just got up from being unconscious for who knows how long. I don't want to sound like a wuss so might as well go.

I text him back: yeh i'm comin', pick me up in 10

I guess i'm sneaking out tonight. I grabbed a red tee and some black skinny jeans. I quiff'd up my hair and put a black jacket on. Louis texted me he was outside. I walked down stairs quietly and left as fast as i can. I reached Louis' car and got in.

"Let's go" i told the boys. Harry and his girl Emily, Liam and Danielle, and Eleanor was in the car as well. I guess Zayn and Perrie got their own ride. We drove off to some party.

As we pulled up, there was music blasting that you could here from four blocks away. Harry and Emily walked in first along with Liam, Danielle, Louis, Eleanor, and me. I walked in and i see people getting drunk and people dancing. There were girls that dressed like complete sluts. One walked up to me and asked "Wanna dance?"

I looked at Louis and he nodded that i should. I shrugged and went to dance with the random girl. The girl grinded on me, moving her hips to the beat. I have to admit this can can move.

"What's your name, sweetie?" She whispered in my ear.

"Niall, Niall Horan" i smirked at her.

She smiled "I'm Arielle, you wanna hang out for the rest of the night?"

"Sure, why not" i agreed, i had nothing else to do.

Arielle grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. We walked into some random room, she locks it after we walk in. Arielle pushed me on the bed, "well you're going to have a fun night" she whispered seductively. She crashed her lips on mine and surprisingly i kissed back. We were making out for five minutes and my phone vibrated. I groaned and pulled away from the kiss. I looked at my phone and it was a text from Elaina. Elaina.. How the hell could i forget about her? I'm here making out with a random girl when i should be having feelings for Elaina. Shit, if she finds out she might think i don't like her or probably won't even talk to me.h

"Arielle i gotta go"

"Why, the fun was getting started"

"Something popped up"

I ran out of the room and downstairs to where everyone else was. I was trying to find Louis but my vision was getting blurry. What's happening? I started to feel weak and the next thing i knew everything went blank.


Winter break! Hope everyone had a good Valentine's day :) Please share this story and vote!

-nat xo

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