Elaina's POV
"What do you mean?" I asked confused. What does he want to know from me? I'm nothing special.
"I mean that i want to know about you, everything. Well not everything if you don't want to but.. i feel like i could be connected to you" He tells me, looking in my eyes. I look straight into his blue eyes, wow they're beautiful. You could get lost in them. Well which i am doing now. I snap back into reality.
"But we just met, don't you think it's too soon? I'm not so comfortable sharing. Plus i hardly even know you" I tell him my excuse. Should i even trust him? I can't tell him about my past, definitely not. I'll just lie if i have to.
"Exactly, you can know about me too. And it's okay, i won't tell anyone. You can trust me. I want to get to know you Eli, ever since i bumped into you, you seemed... interesting to me" Niall explained. It seems he read my mind. Should i still tell him?
"Um, why don't you go first?" I ask him. He nods. He started explaining how his parents divorced when he was little. Also how he loves to play the guitar. He always wanted to be in a band. Niall tells me the basics about him such as his favourite color is blue and he is 5'7, at least i think he is. Niall finishes talking about himself, which didn't take that long.
"So it's your turn now.." Niall tells me. I tell him the basics first. I tell him my favourite color is also blue and i also play the guitar a little bit. But i do not want to be in a band. I tell him my parents divorced when i was 4. I tell him i lived with my dad. I hesitated at that part. I tell him my personality and that's about it. I don't trust him about my horrible past.
"You're missing something" Niall said.
"What do you mean?" I asked nervously.
"You hesitated when you spoke about living with your dad. What happened really, and what was the real reason you came here?" Niall asked.
Why is he asking this. Can't he see i'm not comfortable telling him. I never told anyone, what makes him think i'll tell him?
"Listen, i'm really not ready to speak of anything. I just never told anyone, and i'm just not ready" I tell him, honestly.
"I understand. You can talk to me about anything. Promise. I'm here to always listen. Maybe we should hang out more so we can get used to each other" Niall suggested with a smile. His smile is so adorable.
"I'd love that" I grinned, accepting his offer.
"Perfect, i'll see you tomorrow El" Niall said as he went to the door. I followed him, "Bye Niall" I smiled.
"Bye Elaina" Niall said and kissed my cheek. He smiled and walked out of my house. I closed the door, my cheeks flushing. My heart fluttered when he kissed my cheek. Maybe it was a friendly thing?
All i know is my cheeks are red from blushing so much. No guy has ever.. really kissed me on the cheek basically. Why am i feeling this way for Niall? I just met him and my heart is fluttering for him already. I need to take it easy, i'm not sure if i should fully trust him. I just need some time. What should i do on a Sunday? There's nothing for me to do here. Maybe i'll take a walk, just to clear my mind.
I put on a sweater and sneakers. I grab my keys and leave my house. The sun is about to set soon, and i don't want to be home late. It became cooler this week, which i'm glad. I can't wait for autumn to come. It's always been my favorite season. I walk around my block, just thinking about anything. Suddenly Niall popped in my head. There's just something about him that attracts me to him. His blue eyes, his care-free personality, maybe even the way he laughs.
He looks so perfect to even be real. Why would anyone like him talk to me? Is it a trick? Is he trying to get to know me so he can use my past against me?
No he wouldn't do that, would he? I can't seem to push these thoughts aside. I never trust people that easily. I always think they would turn their back on me. It always happens.
I look at my phone, it's 7:40 PM. How long have i been walking? I walk myself back home safely. My mom didn't come home yet, i guess she took an extra shift. I walk into my room and plop on my bed, i don't feel like taking off my sweater, im too comfy. I can feel myself falling asleep, then my stomach rumbles. I forgotten that i haven't ate since i left.
I go to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. After i ate, I quickly took a shower and put on my pajamas. I go back on my bed and my phone vibrates. I pick it up and it's a text from Niall.
Niall :): Goodnight love, hope you have a good sleep xx
I smiled at the text and replied back:
Goodnight to you too Niall, sweet dreams x
i put my phone to charge, and i crawl under the blankets of my bed. I felt myself drifting off, then i hear a slam on the door.
Sorry it's a little short, i have school and homework so it will take time for me to update. I'll try my best to update as much as i can :)

Our Little Secret | n.h
FanfictionThey don't know what we do best. it's between me and you, our little secret