Chapter Five

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I woke up around 6 pm. How long did i sleep for? Well that doesn't matter. My stomach grumbled, i should probably get something to eat. I did have $20 but i had food in the house (a/n: im american so im trying to write like how people talk in uk/ireland so sorry if i made mistakes) . I decided to get some juice and make myself grilled cheese. I saved the twenty dollars, i may need it somehow. I finished making grilled cheese and poured myself a glass of juice. I went upstairs to my room. I don't really like eating alone at my table in the kitchen so when no one's home i just stay in my room.

I placed the grilled cheese on my bed and the juice on the nightstand. I looked over to my phone and saw i got a missed call from Niall. I forgot he called before i fell asleep. Should i call him back? I shook my head and dropped my phone on the bed. After ten minutes i finished eating and put the dishes in the sink of the kitchen. I went back to my room.

I looked over to my phone again, maybe i should call him. See if he needed something.

I got my phone and rang Niall. After three rings he answered.

"Hello?" Niall said through the phone.

"Hi Niall, did you call me?" I asked him. Obviously he called you, you idiot.

"Uh yeah, but nevermind i got it handled" Niall answered.

"Oh what was it?" I asked.

"If you could help me with a project i was doing haha" He laughed. So that's what he was doing?

"Was that what you were going to after school?" I ask, damn i ask too many questions.

"No it was something different. Thanks anyway. I'll see you tomorrow Eli" Niall said.

"Oh okay, bye then" I said then hung up. What was he doing that he doesn't want to tell me? Or is just trying to keep from me? Wait that's the same thing. I'm such an idiot today, ugh. I was bored in my room doing nothing but playing on my phone. I heard the front door open and slam. Must be my mother.

"Elaina!" My mother called. Yep it's her. I went downstairs and saw her with a couple of bags. "Hi mum" i said quietly.

She sighed "Honey, i'm so sorry i yelled at you. I was drunk and stressed out. I know i.. i reminded you of your father but i promise i'm not like that. I won't do it again, i do love you" My mother said, apologizing.

"It's okay mum, i understand" I smiled and hugged her. I sometimes do stupid stuff when i get mad and stressed out. I just go for a walk when i do so i don't end up doing something i regret. My mum smiled at me "Thank you sweetie, now would you like some dinner? I brought some chicken"

"Sure, just tell me when it's ready" I told her. She nodded and went straight to cooking. I'm suprised she didn't go and change first. I'll just let her cook then go get changed. I went upstairs and i haven't gotten anything from Niall. Ah forget it, i'm seeing him tomorrow anyways. I'm so glad my mother didn't turn out the way my dad was. Well still is. She knows when to control herself.

My mom called me for dinner. I left my phone on the bed and went downstairs


Sorry it's a little short! I'm sick today but i managed to do the chapter. I hope you liked this one, i know it's really suckish this chapter. School got me busy and i have other stuff on my plate which is making it hard to update.

Anyways VOTE & COMMENT ~

- Nat xx

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