Chapter Four

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Elaina's POV

I woke up to the sound of a door slam. I was too scared to go down. I hear keys and something else slam on the table. I decided to check out what it was. I went downstairs and saw my mother, drunk.

"Mum?" I whispered.

She turned around "Eli, go back to bed" She said, in a low tone.

"Mum, are you drunk?" I asked her.

"I said go back to bed, i don't need your pointless sympathy or help" My mother snapped at me. She reminded me of my father.

"But mum.." I took a step closer to her.

"What did i say? Go upstairs before i make you" She threatened. Why is she being like this? She's being exactly like my dad.

"Mum, you're acting like dad" I told her. I regret saying that.

"I am nothing like your father! Don't ever compare me to that poor excuse of a human being. How dare you tell me this?" She yelled. I took step back, still looking at her. What's making her feel like this? I had enough so I ran upstairs into my room. I climbed under the covers of my bed. I felt tears on my cheeks, am i crying?

Never in a million years would I think my mother would go get drunk and treat me just like my dad. I'm just going to leave her alone until she cools down. I closed my eyes and felt myself slowly falling asleep again.


Monday morning came, ugh. I don't want to go back to that college. I got up and got ready for school. I left my hair in loose waves as usual. My hair turned nice and blonde. Well blonde and brown. I put on a grey jumper and black skinny jeans. I put on grey TOMS and got my bag. I went downstairs and I didn't see my mum. I suppose she's still sleeping. I don't wanna talk to her anyways.

I left my house and walked to school instead of driving. I just need to walk, clear my mind a bit. I really don't want to anyone. Especially of what happened last night. Maybe i'm overexaggerating. She just really reminded me of my father..

I arrived at school finally. I went inside, luckily i didn't bump into Niall or any of his friends. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I have literature first, Dang it Zayn's in that class. I walked slowly to the class. Maybe i shouldn't have come in to school today.

I walked in and saw Zayn sitting in the desk next to mine. I cringe a bit, but sat down.

"Hi Elaina, you okay?" He asked.

No i'm not, my mom basically got drunk and decided to act like my dad who abused me so much and didn't care for me, "I'm fine" I simply stated.

He nodded, not saying anything more. I admit i push a lot of people away, i just can't risk getting hurt again. In my last school people always made fun of me because i was kind of a nerd. I always got the highest grades. Also my '"friends" turned their back on me to hang with the popular group. They started to make fun of me too. Then names were said about me. I realized I had enough.

I sighed and slumped into my chair. I just want this day to be over. Luckily Zayn didn't notice anything, he's too busy on his phone texting. Maybe it's Perrie. I got to admit, she's gorgeous. So are Eleanor and Danielle. More than i'll ever be. The teacher walked in, "Hello class!" Ms. Garcia greeted. She started to teach and i was getting more bored by the second.

Finally the bell rung and I got out of class quickly. Next I think I have Religion? I walk over to my next class, and saw the girl i bumped into on my first day. "Hey clumsy, don't trip on the hallways" She smiled. "Haley we gotta get to class!" One of her friends called. So her name is Haley?

I ignored her comment and went to class. I just want to get out of this school.


Finally school ends. "Elaina!" I hear someone call my name. I keep walking, acting like i didn't hear it.

"Elaina wait!" that voice belonged to Niall. He quickly ran to me, making me stop.

"Where were you today? Only Zayn saw you but he said you disappeared after Lit class" Niall asked, still panting for air.

"Oh I was just hidden in the crowds, maybe you didn't see me because of that" I lied completely, i was clearly trying to get away from everyone.

"Zayn said you were acting weird, are you okay?" Niall asked in a soft tone. I want to say the truth, but i just can't.

"I'm fine, i promise" I lied again. I don't know how long i'm going to say that until someone realizes that i'm not really okay.

"Okay, i guess. I'll see you later, i have um.. things to do" Niall said, nervously. What is he doing?

"Like what?' I asked out of curiousity.

"Nothing.. just stuff. Bye El!" He waved and left. That was weird. I wonder what he's doing.

I walked home. As i came in the house the was a note on the table. It was from my mum.

Dear Elaina,

I went to work so i won't be back until later. I'm so sorry about the way i acted last night. I guess i had too much to drink and was stressed out. I'll make it up to you i promise. There's money on your bed for you to eat. See you soon, love



Well at least she apologized. I went upstairs to my room and saw $20 on my bed. I don't feel hungry so i'm just going to save it. I changed out of my outfit into sweats and a band t-shirt. I layed down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I wish i didn't have to push people away. I wish i had never lived this life. I'm such a fuck up.

Suddenly depression kicked in as usual, fuck. I decided to take a nap before i start crying on my pillow. Before i fell asleep, i felt my phone ring. I didn't bother to answer but i saw who was calling. It was Niall.


Once again, sorry i didn't update when it was due. Wattpad was down, which some of you probably noticed, and i couldn't update. So i kinda made this chapter long, i hope, for making up for it. Thank you guys for waiting.


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