Chapter Ten

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Niall's POV

"Niall... Niall.." my mother called out to me. "Mum?" I called back out. No answer. "Mum!" I yelled louder. Still no response. The room was dark and i couldn't see anything. "She's gone Niall" I hear my dad's voice.

I turn around, following his voice. "It's all your fault Niall.. she's gone. You killed her. I could've had her still if it wasn't for you" My dad said.

"No.. no.. i didn't kill her!" I yelled.

"Yes you did! Now because of you i lost the one i loved. I had to keep your pathetic self, i never wanted you. But i had to keep you or else i go to jail. It's all your fault!"

"No.. it's not.."

"Stop denying it, yes it is! Everything is your fault.. and that Elaina girl you see? She will be gone too, just as your mother is"

I woke up with tears rolling down my cheeks. What the hell kind of dream did i have? And what did it mean that Elaina will be gone too? I got up and looked in the mirror. Bruises are all over my face and body. How am i going to school like this? I can probably go to Elaina's to get something to cover this up but she's going to ask how this happened. I remembered that my mum left make-up somewhere in the closet. I quicky went to the closet and scrummaged through it. I finally found it and brought it back to my room.

I put something to cover up the bruises on my face. The rest i can cover up with sleeves and long pants. I pulled out a long black sleeved shirt and some black jeans. I put on my Nike's and quiffed my hair. I grabbed my bag and ran outside the house. Thank god my dad wasn't home this morning. I ran to school as quick as I can. I see Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis hanging out in front of the school as usual.

"Hey guys" I greeted them.

"Hey man, what happened to ya yesterday?" Louis asked.

"Oh i just got sick, that's all" I answered.

"Glad you're better, c'mon we got to get to class" Harry said. Wow none of them notice i covered my bruises.

"Wait where's Elaina?" I asked them.

"Oh she came in early, she was worried about ya yesterday" Liam told me.

"She was?" I asked, my eyes lit up.

"Yeah, i'll talk to her that you're better alright?" Zayn said to me and smiled. I nodded and smiled back. I just want to talk to Elaina. Just hearing her voice relaxes me. We enter the school and Haley is leaned against the lockers talking to her friends. She spots me and walks over to me. Fuck.

"Hi Niall" She says all flirty.

"Oh uh hi Haley" I said nervously.

"So where's your friend, Ella?" She asked.

"It's Elaina, and she's probably in class now" I answered her, trying to walk away. She stepped in front of me, stopping me in my tracks.

"Aw that's too bad, good thing you have me to keep you company" Haley smirked and leaned in. What do i do, oh god she's gonna kiss me. I dodged her kiss luckily

"Oh would you look at the time, i gotta get to class" I said quickly and ran off leaving her furious. Thank god i dodged that. Who knows where that mouth has been. I walk into my first class which is Religion. I got late because of Haley.

"Mr. Horan, you are late" Miss Simmons, an old lady who teaches my class, said.

"Yeah yeah i know" I said and sat down.

"Next time it's a detention" She said sternly, i rolled my eyes and said nothing. She started to teach class and i was already bored. I almost fell asleep but then the bell rung. Miss Simmons dismissed the class and i ran out. I hate that class.


Finally the school day is over. I look at the time on my phone and it's 3:00 sharp. Shit i gotta get home. I started to run outta of the school, not stopping to talk to anyone. I turned around and I see Elaina, she looked at me but I didn't have time. I kept running. She looked confused.. damn it i wish i can tell her. She probably thinks i'm avoiding her. I'll call her as soon as i get home.

I make it on time at exactly 3:14 p.m.

"Look who decided to come early" my dad said, coming out of the kitchen with a beer.

"Not now dad, I gotta get to my room" I said to him and tried to run upstairs. He grabbed my hood from my sweater and pulled me before i even reached the stairs.

"Don't fucking run from me, i got some business to do" My dad yelled. He smirked, putting his beer down. I gulped.

"I have to go out, you got work so get there. When i get back you better be in your room or we'll have some trouble. Either way, you'll probably get in trouble anyways" He smiled in a way i hate and pushed me down to the floor. "Now go to work, you need to pay bills" My dad said.

I quickly went upstairs, i forgot i had work. How am i going to call Elaina now? Should I text her? I'll text her before i get to work. I put on my uniform and headed to my job. My dad already left before i did. Even if i get home on time, he's still going to hurt me. It's all he does.


Sorry it's such a shitty chapter. I got sick today so i tried the best i could. Hoped you like this chapter xx


~ Nat x

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