Chapter Eleven

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Sorry im so late! It was christmas and i got really caught up. I hope everyone has a good christmas and got what they wanted. I got a guitar, wuuutt. Okay enjoy the chap. ! xx

Elaina's POV

  I looked at my phone to see if Niall called or texted. I remembered his friends told me he had a job so he's probably doing that. I really need to stop worrying and checking my phone. Niall can't text me all the time. I just like talking to him.. 

  Niall seems like such a nice guy even if everyone sees him as a cool jock or something. He doesn't let the popularity get to him. Nothing could go wrong with him. He probably has a perfect home, i know his mum had died but his dad probably found someone new. His dad must probably be rich and has a huge house. And Niall is perfect, who wouldn't love him? Speaking of that, i should go to his house sometime. I mean he came to mine.

   It's already 8 p.m., he should be home by now. I text Niall first, i really don't care for that 'a boy should text a girl first' concept. 

Elaina<3: Hi Niall, i was wondering if i could come over one day? xx

I waited a few minutes, then my phone vibrated.

Niall :) : Of course, but lemme see when you can, probably tomorrow since no one will be home x

 Why does he want me over when no one's home?

Elaina<3: Oh but i wanted to meet your family, is there any way i can?

Niall :) : Oh my dad's always busy and my brother is in college. I don't think you can, but at least you get to see my house haha

Elaina<3: Oh well okay, i'll come over tomorrow since it's friday tomorrow. I'll come at 4 pm i have some stuff to do at home.

Niall :) : Ok see you tomorrow xx

 Well at least i get to go to his house. I'll probably bump into his dad, he can't be that busy. I get ready to go to bed, but i end up playing on my phone as usual. I wasn't tired so i just stayed up as long as i could.


  It's friday today and i finally get to go to Niall's house. I bet it's beautiful. School's finally out and i get to enjoy another weekend away from that hell hole. I walk home to freshen up and get ready. My mom wasn't home again since she had work. She's never home, i'm starting to worry that i'm not going to see her very often. I put those thoughts aside for now. I took a quick shower, i have to hurry so i don't keep Niall waiting.

  I got out of the shower and combed my wet hair. I left it wavy as usual, i put on a band T-shirt and some ripped jeans with converse. I put on my leather jacket, grabbed my keys, and drove to Niall's house in which he texted me the address earlier. I drove up to his house, it seems really nice on the outside. I texted Niall that i was outside and he replied seconds later that he will open the door. I waited on his doorstep looking on the ground, i hope i don't say anything stupid. 

 The door opened to reveal Niall, he was wearing a black shirt and jeans. His hair was quiffed up. 

"Hi Niall" I smiled.

 "Hey" he smiled back, wow his smile is beautiful. I need to stop staring or i'll look like a weirdo hopelessly in love. Niall let me into his home. It looks all tidy and neat. I guess he cleaned up before i came. I don't see anyone else so he was probably home alone.

"No one's home i'm guessing?" I asked.

 "Yeah, my dad went out again" He chuckled. I sat down on his couch, i kept looking around his house. I felt that he sat next to me, his arm rested on the top of the couch. 

 "You like my house?" He asked.

"Yeah it's so nice, probably better than mine" I laughed.

 Niall laughed too "Nah probably not, it's great to have you over. I never let anyone over" He told me. So i'm basically his first friend to ever come in his house?

"Oh why is that?" I asked.

  "I just have lots of stuff to do and my dad also doesn't like anyone in the house" He replied. I nodded, not saying anything else. 

"I made a friend, her name is Lucy. She's really nice" I told him, trying to start a conversation.

  "Oh yeah i know her, she's called the nerd of the school because she literally gets straight As each school year" Niall said.

"Well is she okay with that? I don't think she likes to be called that" I said.

  "I don't know, i didn't call her that. It was probably Haley. She and her friends always make fun of her, especially for liking some kid named Ashton" He responded.

"But that's not nice, has she tried to stop them from making fun of her? I don't think she's fine with all this, she's probably hurting inside" I exclaimed.

  "Why do you care? It's not like you're going through it"  

"Because i-" i stopped myself before saying anything i might regret. He doesn't know i got bullied for the same thing. 

  "Because what?" Niall asked, looking at me worried.

"Because i went through the same thing, ok? Back when i was with my dad, I was bullied for being smart and they always picked on me.. i know what Lucy is going through" I confessed.

  "Why didn't you tell me?" Niall asked in a sad tone.

"I was afraid you were going to do the same.."

 "No never, you know i'm always here you for you. I would never do anything to hurt you" Niall said, looking in my eyes.

I looked back into his eyes, he leaned in a bit. Before i knew it i was leaning in too. The door was busted open before we even kissed "What the hell is going on here!?" 

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