Chapter Nine

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August P.O.V:
We pull up to the beach and just as I expected it the sun rise was so beautiful... I looked at Sabrina who was stretching and looking at the sun rise.... The glow from the sun was so bright to be early but she just had this glow... She put her hand over her eyes to block the shine and I notice when she smiled there a dimple or it was beauty marks or something like that...  But she look so beautiful though but you can tell she holding alot in her I can feel it.. 
"Heyy August you gone take the blunt.. You just was out of it. You okay?" said Sabrina looking very concerned.
"Yeah I'm good ma I'm just shell asf and I just got lost in my thoughts but what's good though what's on ya mind?" he said in the same tone Sabrina just used..
"I'm good just making sure you good but me I'm good though just enjoying your company" said Sabrina...
"I'm enjoying company too but tbh we should go though cause I got alot of things to handle later today..  You ready?" I asked her.
"Yeah Ig so" said Sabrina who got up and grab my hand as soon as I go up and we walked over to my car....

Sabrina P.O.V
We pull at the beach and it was beautiful the sun look so beautiful coming up.... I always dreamed about being here and watching the sun rise and not only that with August😏😎😝😘❤👅💞💞.. I noticed behind his Ray Bands that he was watching me.
"August you okay I'm trying to give you the blunt" I asked him.
"Yeah ma I'm just shell asf and I got lost in my thoughts. You okay though??" he asked.
And instantly it's like he knew something wasn't right with me but I paid it cool...
"Yeah I'm cool just enjoying ya company" I said...
"That's good I'm enjoying ya company too" August said.
We was just laying with one another til he check his phone and said.
"I forgot I have things to do later today you ready?" he asked.
"Yeah Ig so" I said and stood there with my hand out so he could grab it and we walk to his car..

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