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      "Will she handle her new destiny?" A woman asked.
      "I don't think anyone would be able to if you ask me." A man chuckled.
      "I know we haven't helped her but what could we do." The woman said sadly.
       The man smiled understandingly as he walked over to his wife and gently held her shoulders. She placed her hand on top of his and gave it a tight squeeze. There was nothing that could have prepared them for this. They didn't want her to suffer but what else did they could they do. They couldn't exactly change their baby daughters fate. The cooing of their baby threw their thoughts aside and went to see their bundle of joy.
      When the baby saw her parents, she giggled and stretched her arms out to us. The woman bent down to pick up her daughter and held her close to her heart. The woman gently planted a kiss to her baby's forehead as she cradled her softly while singing a lullaby. The man watched over his family with a smile on his face, he wished he could watch this forever. Suddenly bashing on the door, brought them out of their fantasy.
      "Fai! Phelim! Come out with your baby daughter at once. We know your in there so don't brother hiding." A mans voice flooded into the room, spooking the poor babe. The woman, Fai, gently bounced the babe as she looked at her husband, Phelim. He was afraid too but he had to be brave for his family. Frantically looking around the room, he spotted a trap door that lead far away from here. He ran over, kicked the rug away and opened the door to usher his family inside. Once inside, he locked it but he made Fai put a spell on it to secure it for at least a while as they escaped.
      They ran fast and hard through the worn down tunnel, looking over their shoulders for any signs of Roric. When they knew they were a good distance away from the cabin and tunnel, they summoned their wings and flapped as hard as they could to get enough distance between them. Their wings grew tired after many hours of flying and hey finally crashed down in Alaska. Using the rest of their energy, they found a wolf den that recently had wolf pups. The couple bit their lips as they came up with the decision to leave their daughter with the wolves. Fai passed her child over to Phelim and changed into her shaggy strawberry blonde wolf. She carefully crept up to the den and scratched her nails against the stone structure.
      Growls erupted from the cave and little yips from the pups. Shining eyes opened and came closer to Fai, nails scraping against the rocky surface below. The male wolf came out with saliva dripping from its jaws, teeth bared.
     "Please we mean you no harm." Fai said to the wolf. 
     "We? I only see one of you an a human." The male wolf growled.
     "We're both human but I came to ask you of something." Fai explained.
     "How are you human? I see a wolf not fleshy beings walking on two." The male barked.
     "If you must see for your own eyes." Fai sighed and the familiar pops, cracks and breaks flooded everyone's ears. The male wolf had to cover his ears until the process was done.
      What the male wolf saw was unexplainable! The she wolf suddenly turned into a human. Once the male wolf was satisfied with what Fai said, Fai turned back into a wolf.
      "What is it that you need of me, blessed one?" The male wolf bowed to them, confusing the poor couple.
      "We need you to take care of our child. Some bad people are after her because of my strange gift. She is also a blessed one but not as of yet until a rightful age. Please take care of our little Aiyana." Fai pleaded to the wolf. He was skeptical until his mate walked up beside him.
      "Why don't we do it? We have plenty to feed her until she is of age to take care of herself. They look desperate. And indeed if they say is true that bad people are after her because she is a blessed one, all the more reason to hide her from these people." The female wolf said. Fai bowed to the female, showing the deepest respect for her. The female looked taken back and a blush to her flesh at this sudden display of respect but didn't say any more. Fai walked over to her husband and pointed to the child. Phelim bent down and carefully handed his wife their child after he said his goodbyes and kisses. Gripping the blanket tightly around the baby, Fai brought the little babe over to the wolves.
The female took it without hesitation and crept back into the cave. Fai stayed put until she heard her babe suckling from the mom she wolf. She looked back to the male wolf.
     "You have my thanks." Fai bowed her head to him, while Phelim followed in pursuit. The wolf bowed his head back. "Take care of little Aiyana." She bellowed as she and Phelim ran away from the wolf's den, hoping to lead Roric and the others away from the den and have them hot on their heels. They missed their daughter tremendously but it had to be done to escape the bastard of a man. They hoped to be alive enough to tell their story.

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