Chapter 23

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     I awoke to soft chirping of birds. Which was weird for me. Usually I was violently woken up or something bad was happening to cause me to wake. I sighed as I lifted my head. It felt a little crowded in there with my new heritages and now Zander on top of Alaster. I was surprised that it didn't explode yet. A lick to my ear caught my attention. I glanced to my right and found Zander awake.
     So this is what sharing a soul feels like? Zander's thoughts flowed into my mind.
     Yup. Just like any regular mind link and mate link only this one has physical connection as well.
     Huh. Weird.
     Just a little. I laughed. But you can also talk to my heritages as well as see them. You might have the same side effect as me. I also learned that when you go into someone else's mind you can see what they see. Like I went into Alaster's mind and saw some things and the side effect was one eye was blue. It all depends on what you call for.
     Wow, a lot of stuff to process.
     You'll pick it up as you go. I smirked at him. But since you are connected to me as well. Maybe you can go into Alaster's mind.
      That would be cool. He chuckled. How do you turn off the emotions? I think I feel something from Alaster.
      It's like a standard mind link. You just tune it out or shut it out.
     Oh okay. He was silent for a moment before I felt relief wash over him.
     Who is that guy? Ryoko asked, tilting her head.
     That would be my brother. I explained.
     Who the fuck was that? Zander growled.
     That would be my newest heritage. Or should I say heritages. I laid my head back onto paws.
     How's that possible? Zander looked to me.
     Um... I blushed, thankfully my fur covered that.
     Through mating Zander. When Aiyana's mates released their seed in her, that's when their DNA mixed with hers. Thus making her new heritages. Loki explained.
     Way to make it embarrassing Loki. I groaned.
     It was my pleasure. He bowed with a cunning smile gracing his lips. I rolled my eyes.
     So that counts? Zander raised a brow.
     I guess so. I shrugged. He just nodded and didn't say any more.
     I felt Alyan and Zen stir beside me. I looked down and smiled at them. They yawned, clicked their tongues a bit before staring up at me.
     "Come on Aiyana." Zen and Zander whined. "We want to see! We want to see!" They cheered.
     That can be taken in so many ways. I mumbled in my thoughts. I didn't need to have Loki get any ideas. "Why?"
     "You tell us you have new heritages, why wouldn't we want to see them?"
     "Before anything..." Alyan came walking up to me. "How are your wounds?"
     "They've been gone for a while now." I smiled. "But thank you for asking."
     "Alright." Alyan nodded and kept quiet, which was bad for me. Zen and Zander started their chanting again. I rubbed my temples in a circular motion.
     "Gods you're annoying." I grumbled.
     "Please." They begged with a puppy dog face. I face palmed myself and peeked through the spaces of my fingers. They were still doing it. I sighed in defeat.
     "Fine." I growled.
     "Yay." They cheered.
     Ok Beta, you're first.
     Okay Aiyana, whenever you're ready.
     I closed my eyes and I could slowly feel my body morph. I didn't hear any pops or cracks like werewolves did when they shifted. It just naturally happened like magic. Poof, I'm a lion. When I knew I was done, I opened my eyes and glanced around. I sat down, my tail swishing in aggravation. Zander and Zen stared at me with awe, and creepily grew closer, blocking Alyan's view of me.
     Both of you back up. I projected my thoughts to them. Alyan needs to see too. I mumbled, blushing underneath my fur. They immediately backed away so Alyan could see my lion form. I could already tell that Shawn was going berserk inside Alyan's mind. Alyan made his way up to me and gently stroked my fur. I purred underneath his touch. Soon enough, I changed into Rhian. She stood tall and proud as she looked upon her mate. Alyan's eyes went wide when he saw this. He was in complete shock. A blush came to our cheeks.
    "You like?" I asked through Rhain's sweet voice. Alyan nodded, which made me to smile. I was happy that my mate like my other forms.
     "What about your other ones?"
     I mentally groaned as I changed back to my normal self. "What are you talking about?" I played innocent.
     "You know what I mean." Zander smiled evilly. "I still know you have a Fae, dragon and Dullahan forms."
     I grumbled underneath my breath. "Maybe later."
     Before Zander could say anything more, a high pitched screech echoed through the forest. Half of the pride was on full alert while the other half hid because they were either pregnant or they were children. Alyan looked to the skies and immediately he raised his arm. Suddenly a big hawk landed on his arm. The hawk looked at me skeptically before it turned its attention to Alyan. Alyan lifted his arm a bit, pulling a paper from the hawk's leg before it jumped to his shoulder. I went over to Alyan but I immediately regretted it. I got pecked on my head by the damn hawk. I hissed at it as I chased it around the valley. The hawked screeched/coughed.
     That bastard! He was laughing at me. I growled. When I saw Alyan's face grow grim, I stopped my pursuit of the hawk. "What's wrong Alyan?"
     "The village is being attacked by Rouges." He said with a forlorn expression.
     I ran at an amazing speed with my brother at my heels. Alyan and Zen were holding onto my fur for dear life. I dodged trees and jumped over tree roots, slowly gaining speed as I advanced. When the familiar scenery and scents flooded my nose, I knew we were on the boarder of the elves. When houses came into view, I saw smoke and fires set to some of them. So far I didn't see any bodies.
     "We have to find everyone." Alyan said as he stared at his surroundings.
     But why? They were never nice to you. I pushed my thoughts to him.
     "Just because they were mean doesn't mean their entire existence should be snuffed out."
     Alyan you're not making any sense?
     "They have families to return to. It wouldn't be fair to them." He said as he turned his attention onto me. I sighed as I came to a slow trot and sniffed for anyone. So far no bodies were found. Zen flew down with Alyan in his arms. He set him down before Alyan took off to find someone. Zander went one way and I went in another. I sniffed around for anyone's scents. I finally picked up Calanon's scent. I decreased my size so I wouldn't get hit by trees, also I wouldn't get spotted by the enemy. It was bad enough that my coat was white.
     Following the scent, I noticed that it was leading away from the village. As the scent grew stronger, I noticed that there were other scents besides his. I slowed down my pace and went on full alert. I silently crept up  behind some trees and bushes. I peeked over the bushes while covering my body with the multiple trees. I saw a bunch of Rogues surrounding Calanon. Calanon was holding up a sword with a bow and quiver full of arrows behind him. I could see that over his left brow was sliced open and blood was trickling down into his eye, rendering it useless. Cuts and gashes covered his entire body. My hearing picked up his ragged breathing, he was becoming exhausted. I was about to get out of my hiding spot when I heard four familiar evil laughs.
     "Calanon." A male's voice said, immediately my brain recognized it as one of the elders. "You have brought this on yourself."
     I looked to the left and found all four of the elders there behind the Rogues. My eyes widened. I couldn't believe that the elders went against the village chief.
     "You shouldn't have kept that filthy half breed alive." One spat.
     "But then again you did bring us the future queen of prophecy. Roric will be happy to know that we have found the girl he's been looking for."
     "We will be paid handsomely." One snickered. "Then we can start our own villages."
     "You are betraying not only me and Alyan but Aiyana too. She didn't do anything to deserve this." Calanon panted. He flinched a bit when the gash on the wound bled out more. He was in severe pain.
     "She's just our pawn in our game. She's disposable." The last elder smiled evilly.
     "You bastards." Calanon growled as he grabbed ahold of his arm. His sword slowly slipping from his grasp. The elders noticed this and snapped their fingers, making the Rogues pounce at this opening. That's when I decided to intervene. I growled as I launched myself out of my hiding spot, slowly going to my true size. I fought off the Rogues, killing them with ease but they only had one thing against me and that was numbers. I backed up a bit and circled my body around Calanon. I growled as the Rogues came closer, my shackles raising. I guarded him, pulling myself closer to him. "Aiyana what are you doing? Save yourself."
     That's not who I am. I projected my thoughts to him as I concentrated on the enemies in front of me.
     "What about Roric? He could be here any second."
     I'll face him head on. But I am not leaving you. I roared. Calanon flinched but nodded his head. Suddenly all the Rogues attacked at once. I used my vampire speed to whirl around and catch each on by the throat. One managed to escape but he made the worse mistake. He pounced on me and grabbed my scruff. I yowled in pain, then my pain turned into anger. I bucked him off though it did some damage to my scruff. I cut off my end of the bond so I couldn't hurt Alaster or Zander. When I managed to get him off, I didn't see that more Rogues surrounded me. They all tackled me, cutting open some multiple spots on my body.
     I looked around, trying to find an opening so I could escape with Calanon. As they inched closer and closer, one of the Rogues moved away, making an opening for my escape. In a split second, I grabbed Calanon, threw him onto my back and dashed out of the ring. At the same moment I did that, they punched and attacked the spot I just was. I raced into the direction of the village but I took different ways so I knew I wasn't being followed. Once the smoking buildings came into view, I slowed down. Quickly and carefully as I could, I lowered Calanon down.
     Do you think you can manage getting it safety? I asked while staying alert for any coming enemies. He nodded. Good now go. I'll lead them away from you.
     "Be safe Aiyana." He whispered. I lowered my head and placed my snout on his head. Immediately my healing abilities kicked in, some of the minor wounds healed while the serious ones became non-life threatening.
     I can't promise that. But I promise not to die. I licked his face before darting in a different direction while blocking Calanon's scent with mine. I sped far away from the village. I knew my pursuers were now hot on my tail. I shrank down to a normal werewolf size so I couldn't be spotted as easily as I slinked through the forest. Pounding of paws behind me flooded my ears.
     Suddenly I felt a sting in my neck, followed by a couple more. My vision became blurry and it came in and out of focus. I started to stagger as my world started to spin around me. When I finally realized that I was darted with tranquilizers, I was already on the ground, panting. I saw a figure came up to me but it was smudgy and blurry. I saw the blob reach for me and that was it before the sudden darkness took ahold of me.
     I awoke with a splitting headache. I went to grab my forehead only to be stopped. I heard clinking of chains. My mind finally registered that I was in danger and everything came back into focus. I looked around and found myself in a cold, damp stone tile dungeon. What was worse that I was hanging here like a rag doll. Chained by my wrists and my ankles.
     Isn't this a bit much? I asked my heritages but no one responded back. Guys?! I screamed.
     Still no one answered. My breathing became labored as my mind switched from survival mode to panic mode. I put my feet against the wall and pushed with all my might, but it didn't do any good because all it did was make more clanking sounds with my chains. I cursed underneath my breath as I realized that I alerted my enemies that I was awake.
     Gods why was I so slow today? I growled at myself. Well now they no I'm awake, why not try to figure how to escape?
     Checking my surroundings again, I saw that this cell had only one door. It was a large wooden one with bars in the top half of it. But with the height I am dangling at, I can pretty much see out of the door. All I could see right now was a stone tile wall and some torches, the only light providing me some comfort. I couldn't tell how big this cell was and I completely didn't know if I was alone in here either. I tried to hear for any sounds or any movements, anything but there was nothing. My brows furrowed.
     Why is my enhanced senses not working? I pulled at the chains. It also looks like my enhanced strength ain't working either.
     Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I stopped fiddling with the chains and pretended to be asleep. The footsteps stopped outside my cell door. I felt myself flinch and I mentally scolded myself. A loud creaking sound rang throughout the cell, telling me that the door that opened really needed to be oiled. I forced myself to look passed out by relaxing the best I could. Two voices were heard but I couldn't comprehend hat they were saying. By the sounds of it, they were speaking in Russian. One of the voices laughed and the footsteps approached me.
     A searing pain made me open my eyes and made me gasp for air. My eyes landed upon a tall man who had blonde hair tied back into a tiny ponytail. His green eyes held bloodlust.
     That bastard just punched me in the stomach. I growled.
     "You are harmless as a fly since we injected you with multiple things." The blonde chuckled, his Russian accent flowing through. He grabbed my chin, moved my head from side to side and eyed me like I was a prized possession. I growled at him which registered another hit to my stomach. I coughed and coughed until blood splattered all over his face. His right eye twitched, indicating his anger. He drilled me again in the stomach, causing more blood to come out of my mouth. He cursed in his native language, then punched me across the face. Pain pooled in the spot he just decked. I laughed long and hard.
     "You're have to do better than that." I sneered.
     "This bitch is crazy." I heard the blonde mumble. My brows furrowed. I knew I heard English but his mouth moved very differently.
     "So I'm crazy the one huh. Says the one bartering for a woman." I smirked at him.
     "You know Russian."
     "Yes." I smiled. So that confirmed that I subconsciously picked up Russian.
     "Well shit." The blonde laughed. "This will be entertaining. It's not as fun with people giving us funny faces. Now you will know the true horror."
     Please. I scoffed and mentally rolled my eyes.
     He drew back his hand, ready to punch me once more when the other guy came in. This handsome guy had black hair and cool blue eyes. He was a tad bigger in height to the other guy. Maybe like 6'. The blacked haired guy held onto his arm before he could make a move.
     "Lucius. Behave. We don't need her damaged any further." The black haired eyed the blonde.
     "And who's gonna stop me?" Lucius growled at the guy.
     "The boss. Let alone Roric if you continue." The guy glared evilly at Lucius.
     "Fine." Lucius growled as he snatched his arm away from the man and stormed out of the cell. The dark haired guy looked up at me. He pulled out a handkerchief from a pocket and came closer to me. I flinched as I saw him closing the distance between us. He raised his hand. I shut my eyes tight and prepared for him to hit me. But instead I felt a gentle touch on my chin. I opened my eyes and found him cleaning the blood off of me.
     "I'm sorry about Lucius miss. He's a little headstrong." He softly said as he finished up.
     "More like arrogant." I mumbled, which made the dark haired guy laugh.
     "That too." He smiled at me.
     "You're not mad at me?" I looked at him.
     "Why would I be mad?" He smirked, clearly interested in what I had to say.
     "I insulted your friend."
     "It's the truth." He laughed. "But we'll keep it a secret between us."
     "Our secret." I smiled weakly. "Um..."
     "Why am I slowly healing and why can't I hear anyone anymore?"
     "That's because you were injected with a couple of serums to suppress your inner beasts. They didn't know what you had so they literally poked you with everything." Stanley explained. I looked to my arms.
     "Well that would explain why I look like a pin cushion." I chuckled. He laughed.
     "You're a weird one."
     "Rather unique. Weird is a strong word." I  weakly smiled.
     "Unique alright." He smiled back.
     "Stanley." Lucius called from outside the cell. "Let's go."
     Stanley sighed, put the handkerchief back into his pocket and looked at me. His eyes revealed his sadness and unwanting.
     "I'm sorry but I have to go." He said weakly before he turned and left me. He closed the door behind him, casting me back into darkness with only the light from the torches outside the door.
     I didn't know how long I was in this dungeon. My body hurt from dangling and my stomach ached from the lack of feeding. What seemed like every few hours they came in and poked needles into my arm. I guess they got into a normal schedule because I tried to drink someones blood when Donohue surfaced first. I sighed and leaned my head back against the cool stone tile. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the stomach pains. I knew when I was with my wolf family, I could go weeks without eating much but since I got used to the high life, I can't handle it.
     I opened my eyes only to stare at the dark abyss I've grown accustomed to. For as long as I've been in here, I wondered how I always managed to get into these situations. It seems no matter where I go, some how I always attract danger. If it wasn't for Roric, I would probably would have a peaceful life. But who am I kidding, I am Aiyana Delma. Future Queen of multiple races. I didn't want this fate but I choose to accept it because there was no way around it. A lone tear escaped my left eye and trickled down my cheek. I didn't know what I did to deserve all this torment. All of this heartache. Of course I had good times like passion, romance, happiness and love but it seems that negativity didn't want me to have a happy life.
     "Why the long face?" A familiar voice called to me. I lowered my head and my eyes focused on a very familiar face. I smiled at him.
     "Hey Stanley. I didn't even hear you come in."
     "I'm a ninja." He joked.
     "Well that explains the sneakiness." I snickered. He shrugged.
     "What can I say?" He smiled smugly. I sighed and tried to reposition myself, my arms were going to go out of socket if they don't lower me to the ground soon. His small smile turned into a frown. His expression went grim. "You're meeting the boss today."
     "Not for a while. The boss hasn't told him yet."
     "Well that's a relief." I laughed. Then I turned serious. "So who's your boss?"
     Before Stanley could answer, another one did in his steed.
     "That would be me." A familiar voice bounced off the walls of my cell.

**Well Zander knows what it's like to share a soul. But what did you guys think of Alyan defending his attackers and the elders going against Calanon? Messed up, right? And who darted Aiyana? What do you think of Stanley? Who is the mystery boss? Well we'll find out next time on Forlorn.

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