Chapter 12

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"Is it really alright if they stay here?" I looked at Ryu sternly.
Ryu cocked an eyebrow and chuckled a bit. He repositioned himself on his throne and smiled at me.
"I don't see why not. And I am the one who suggested it in the first place."
"I do thank you but I don't understand why?"
"I wanted to meet your friends. The ones who made who you are today."
"I thank you." I bowed to him. His chuckle erupted the room as he descended the stairs that led to his throne. This was the absolute first time I was seeing this. He usually stayed cramped up behind either his desk or the dinning room table. It was hard to picture him this noble. His hand gently touch my shoulder while his other hand lifted my chin so I could look at him.
"Now there's no need for bowing. You are the Queen my dear. And it was my pleasure." He kissed my forehead. When the hell did he become so enchanting? I had my assumptions it was because I was leaving in nine days but I didn't want to ruin the moment. "Now go get you're friends. It's not polite to keep them waiting."
"Okay." I kissed him only I went for his lips. A blush went to his cheeks when I caught him off guard. "Bye Ryu. I'll be back." I smiled and waved.
Soon enough, I was running down the entrance steps with ease. I could see Zander and Jason waiting patiently for me along with Grim and his brothers. Yes I was seriously going to ride with the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Zander and Jason seemed a little distant, then again I haven't introduced them since Jason has been so lovey dovey with Angelique. Zander was happily chatting along with Grim and the horsemen. Jason on the hand was keeping a little distance between them. I think he wasn't used to Grim yet. I went over to Jason and gave him a little shove. He blinked a couple of times before looking at me.
"Hey Ana. Sup?"
"Well first I'm going to introduce you to everyone before we go get the others."
"I know Grim though I don't know any one else." Jason smiled guiltily.
"I figured that. Well at least let me introduce you to my brother and Grim's brothers." I smirked as I grabbed his hand and dragged him over to my brother. I made sure he was done talking to Grim before I made any introductions. "Zander?!"
"Yes?" He asked while he turned around. Once his eyes locked onto Jason, he smiled at him.
"Zander, this is Jason. Jason this is my brother Zander."
"Pleasure to meet you." Jason smiled friendly at Zander and extended his hand.
"Like wise." Zander shook Jason's hand. Once acquainted, I pulled Jason over to the four horsemen.
At the airport, I kept fixing my hair or asking Grim if I looked okay. He chuckle and say the same answer for the thousandth time.
"Yes. Ai calm down or you'll give yourself an ulcer." Grim teased. I just stuck my tongue out at him. He couldn't help but laugh at me.
"Well, doesn't she have spunk!" War smirked.
"Comes with the job." I giggled. Conquest just rolled his eyes but smiled. I looked at my phone for the fiftieth time and waited impatiently. As soon as I saw people starting to pile out, I fixed my hair one last time and held up a sign for them. Cleo and Sage basically flew out of the exit, looking fanatically for me. Once they spotted my sign, they rushed over with Travis and Alaster following them with their carryons.
"Yana." Both girls shouted and pounced on me. I fell to the floor laughing while giving them a hug.
"I missed you too." I smiled.
"Okay girls, let her breath." Alaster snickered as he hoisted them both off of me. Grim and Death both helped me up.
"Thank you." I winked at them, which registered a blush from both of them. I turned my attention back onto our guests.
"So where's your brother?" Sage hollered out.
"Blood or related?"
"Both." Cleo said in a duh tone. Rolling my eyes, I pulled Zander and Jason next to me. "This handsome man is my brother-in law, Jason." I pushed him in front. His body tensed up a bit but relaxed when I placed my hand on his back for reassurance. Everyone's noses were in the air.
"He's a vampire."
"Duh." My turn for the duh tone. "He's Seth's brother." I shook my head.
"Right! I knew that." Cleo blushed.
"Uh huh. Sure you did." Alaster teased. Cleo playfully hit his shoulder.
"So the other one is...?" Sage pointed to Zander.
"My twin brother Zander." I smiled and pushed him next to Jason. "Jason, Zander! I would like you to meet, Cleo, Alaster, Sage and Travis." They waved their hands as their names were called so Zander and Jason weren't confused. "Everyone, this is Jason and Zander." They quietly said their hi's and whatnot. "And now for the main event!" I giggled.
"When did we become a sideshow?" War smirked.
"I don't know but I like it." Conquest grinned wolfishly.
I took my sign, rolled it up and sacked Conquest on the noggin. "Bad Conquest. They are mated!" I huffed.
"How was I supposed to know?" He asked while holding his head, hoping to shield himself from anymore blows.
"I think the growling males would tell you that much." Famine said, rolling his eyes in disbelief. Everyone chuckled when Conquest's cheeks turned red. Even Conquest had a embarrassed side.
"Thank you Famine." I winked at him, making him blush too. "As I was saying, I want to introduce to you, my besties from Ireland. Death," He waved. "Famine," He repeated the gesture. "War," He did a peace sign, though hypocritical. "Conquest," He winked. "And last but not least, also my fave." I said the last part low enough for Grim to hear. "Grim." He bowed his head respectively with a big smile on his face.
"No way!!!!" Alaster went fan girl on me. "It's the four horsemen of apocalypse. What's Grim?"
"A dullahan."
"Oooo. Even better." Alaster was hyped up.
"Alaster, I didn't know you were a fan of the horror side of Mystics." I smirked. "Learn something new every day." I shrugged. "Well once everyone is acquainted, lets hit the road."
Zander and I rode with Death while everyone chose their rider. I sat in front of Death while Zander stood on the horse's back with ease. What really impressed me is that the horse showed no pain at all. It made me wonder how much lightness did he possess. Up close I noticed that the horses of the four horsemen were a bit bigger than regular ones. Where a pooka was the size of a regular horse, the horsemen's were four feet bigger. As we were riding, I could feel Death becoming a little warm. I turned a bit and saw him blushing while he was focusing ahead. I was guessing that he didn't have many female companions. Turning my attention to the other riders, I could see Jason clinging onto Grim, though in his head he's probably screaming. Conquest was a little disappointed that he had to ride with Alaster and Travis while War and Famine each had a female rider.
Once the palace came into sight, the horses started to slow down to a trot until they fully stopped in front of the door. Ryu was standing there looking down at us with a big smile on his face. Brutus had his face in his hand and then pinched the bridge of his nose. I take it that Ryu was being stubborn about something again, but then again when wasn't he. Zander jumped off the horse, did a flip and landed gracefully on his feet. I glared at him envious as Death dismounted. He held out his hand for me. Wiping the glare of my face, I softened my features and gave Death a friendly and warming smile.
"Thank you." I said sweetly as I took his hand and carefully dismounted. But no such luck. I fell off of the horse and into Death's arms. Both of us blushed when our eyes were locked and our faces a few inches apart. Quickly we both gave each other some space, though our embarrassment was still etched on our skin. "Thank you." I whispered to him. He cleared his throat and nodded. War bursted out laughing as he saw this. Grim had to help Cleo from War's horse as he continued his laughing fit. Famine glared at War with impatience before he dismounted himself to help Sage down. Conquest however, looked at Death with dislike as he saw this went down. While he was focused on Death, Jason and Grim helped down Alaster and Travis. Then the four horsemen and Grim went to the stables.
Ryu walked gracefully down the stairs towards the group. Sage and Cleo huddled by me.
"Who's prim and proper?" Sage asked.
"That would be the Dragon King, Ryu."
"Wait, that's your mate." Cleo sounded surprise.
"Yes why?" I looked at her.
"No reason." Cleo stared ahead at Ryu.
"No there's a reason." Sen said as he stared at us upside down.
"Gods damnit Sen. I'm going to have to get a flyswatter and a can of raid if you don't stop scaring me." I hissed.
"My bad mate." He smiled and kissed me on the forehead before he turned around the right way and landed next to me.
"What did he mean by there's a reason?" Sage stared at Cleo who kept silent for a bit.
"He was my savior."
"What do you mean about savior?" We all turned to Cleo. Her eyes flickered back and forth between all of us. She bit her bottom lip for a moment, trying to form words.
"He was the one who saved my life when I was a pup. He practically raised me." Cleo admitted. "He taught me almost everything I needed to know until I was old enough to fend for myself. Then a family took me in and raised me to be a demon hunter."
"Why didn't you tell me this?" I whispered to her.
"I didn't know this was the same Dragon King. His father was ruling when I was being raised. He also has brothers." Cleo admitted without looking me in the eye. A nerve in my right eyebrow started to twitch with agitation. Not from Cleo but from Ryu. Why did he tell me he had brothers? Maybe that wench would have been perfect for them instead of him. I calmed down a bit to talk to Cleo.
"Thank you for telling me." I sweetly smiled at her and held her shoulder for reassurance. Once I got a smile back from Cleo, I turned on my heels. With my inhuman speed, I was in front of him in the matter of seconds. I already could hear the earth from my spot crack from underneath my pressure. In a quick motion, I summoned my wings and took off with him behind me, dangling in the breeze like a human with a dog. At amazing speed, I took him to somewhere isolated and threw him against the ground. The earth caved underneath him, making a crater. As he laid there moaning, I quietly and gracefully lowered myself to the ground.
"What was that for?" Ryu growled as he sorely sat up.
"When were you going to tell me that you had brothers?" I hissed.
"I didn't think it was important." He grunted as he cracked his neck to relieve him of the pressure.
"Not important!!! NOT IMPORTANT!!! Oh yes it is gods damn important. And why didn't you also bring up the fact that you raised my best friend?"
"It slipped my mind." He stated. "I had no idea your best friend was the Cleo I raised. Why do you care?"
"You promised me after our second big fight that we wouldn't keep any secrets." I spat. "And if I do recall, you didn't mention one thing about your brothers, let alone Cleo."
"I didn't think it was important."
"Fine. If I find anything new about myself, I won't tell you about it." I spat. "I'm so glad I'm leaving in a few days." I mumbled to myself as I turned around and took off.
I gracefully landed next to Cleo and the others. I wiped off the dust that clung to me as I walked up.
"Now that lovers quarrel is out of the way, let us go inside." I smiled at everyone. I glanced over to Brutus. Don't worry. He'll be back soon. Just had a little spat. I mind linked Brutus.
Don't fret. He needed some discipline. Brutus smiled.
So leaving the dirty work to me huh? I chuckled.
I shook my head and followed everyone inside. Once inside, everyone was in awe as they stepped further in the castle. I showed Cleo and Alaster to their room first and then showed Travis and Sage to their room. Then our other guests their room. Today was going to be a full house. Well somewhat.
"Aiyana?!" I heard Angelique's voice.
I turned around to see her running towards me. "Angelique! What can I do for you?"
"Oh," she blushed "just wondering where Jason ran off too."
"I think I saw him with Brutus last time I saw him." I recalled. "Oh and by the way," she looked up at me. "Congratulations." I softly smiled at her.
"How'd you...?"
"Know?" I chuckled. "I have vampire sense of smell. I smelt it on Jason first. Did you mark him?"
"Yes." She blushed.
"Good. I must look at your handy work later." I said. She gave me a skeptical look but it wiped off her face when she remembered that we were siblings in a sense. "Is he treating you right?"
"He's treating me fabulously. Better than any of my pack mates." She smiled at me. I scanned through her eyes and tone to see if she was lying or not. Thankfully she wasn't and that was a good sign.
"That's good to hear." I smiled back at her.
"So you said he was with Brutus?"
"Last time I saw him."
"No, he went with Zander. I think they went sparring." Grim said out of no where. I turned and saw him standing there smiling. Only this time he only had his black jeans on.
"Okay thank you." Angelique slightly bowed before she ran to go find Jason. I smiled and turned to him.
"Showing off your goods?" I smirked.
"Not in the sense your thinking. It does get hot in armor you know." He chuckled as he bent down to my height a little. "So what is my little wolf doing?"
"Just showed everyone to their rooms." I smiled.
"Um hm." He smirked as he straightened up. "I heard you got into another fight with Ryu."
"Where do you get this information?" I teased.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His eyes and tone were gentle.
"Yeah. You want to talk on my balcony. It has a beautiful view." I procrastinated.
"Sure why not." He placed his hand on top of my head. Immediately sparks went down throughout my body. My body stiffened while he jerked his hand back. We didn't say anything for a moment. "Well I'll follow you."
"Okay." What the hell happened? I didn't feel any sparks before. But then again, his body was covered with either armor or cloth. Right now, he has none.
He slowly followed me to my room. I was still flustered at what just happened. Wiping those moments from my mind for now, I pushed open my door and ushered Grim in. We made our way to the balcony. I leaned on the railing and stared out at the ocean. The gentle salty breeze made contact with my skin, a little cold as winter approached. He walked over next to me and stood there, staring out at the ocean.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Grim asked calmly. I didn't know which he was referring to but I decided to go with the Ryu problem first.
"Well I found out that my best friend Cleo was raised by my mate and then I also found out that he had brothers." I said emotionlessly. "I don't understand why he would keep two important things from me."
"To be honest, I don't know either but just let me tell you this, Men don't think, that's me included. Try not to be hard on yourself and try not to be hard on him."
It didn't make much sense but the answer will come to me later. "Okay I'll try." I smiled.
"Good." He smiled back and placed his hand on my head. The familiar sparks ran down my spine. He wretched his hand back and his smile faded. "Could you tell me what's going on here?"

**Wow, a lot has happened! I don't even know where to start! So what could be those mysterious sparks? Why didn't Ryu bring up two important facts? How will this proceed? Find out in the next chapter.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me a while for this chapter. I have some severe writers block but I wanted to give you guys at least something! How was it? Good? Bad? Improvements? I would like to know from you guys in order to improve this book. If you have any ideas, don't be afraid to comment. If your idea gets in the book, I'll dedicate each chapter to the person who gave me the idea for that chapter. Love you all.

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